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Останні рецензії користувача MeZmeriZe

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
36.2 год. загалом (16.6 год на момент рецензування)
After playing the second part of the series, I was so hyped for this game but was very sceptic because of the trailers and playthroughs. Anyway I bought it when it was discounted, but unfortunately I have to say, I was disappointed most of the time instead of entertained after now playing it 15 hours on normal mode.
Lets start with the positive aspects: I liked the very unique fight system, also the anime sequences and as in the second part, good model design. Unfortunately thats all positive I can say..
In the second part (Revenant Kingdom) it was so amazing to me to build a own city and manage it, have an alternative goal except the main story to play the game, have tons of sidequests, mapbosses, many ways to upgrade your equipment and spells and therefore make a difference to your strength.
Now in Wrath of the White Witch, there are nearly no hidden objects on the world map, no interesting side quests (it seems like there are 3 different type of quests, which are repeating in every city again and again), no hard mapbosses, no upgrading system and after all I don't even feel like I want to finish the game because in every fight is es the exact same.
To sum it up, I would not recommend it to someone, who is interested in innovative, interesting gameplay and wants to have challenging fights.
Everyone who wants to play something, where you don't have to think very much during fighting, besides watching some series, can buy it anytime.
Додано 10 листопада 2019 р..
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