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Recent reviews by Whalemstr

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2 people found this review helpful
4,466.1 hrs on record (3,122.4 hrs at review time)
Ive played a bit. Its alright.
Posted 24 October, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
248.2 hrs on record (188.6 hrs at review time)
This Game has never been Great. There where times when it was fun, times when it was ok, and times when it has been bad. But, it is F2P (Technicaly) and that keeps me from throwing it in the garbage. It is a ww2 FPS, a style of game that i love. But the problem with this game has been growing and growing and the creators have just simply tried to give it a face lift in order to hide the garbage below.

I have reached the point of putting my foot down and calling this game out. It is 100% pay to win and you dont need a single minute of game time in order to have the best weps in game and have them "Tricked out" to op levels of bullshitness. If you dont want to spend your hard earned money to pay your way to the top, then you can spend hours and hours grinding for the gun you want while Germans with Best in game Planes, Tanks, Guns, and Player Count roll over you and force you to play even longer then you want too. Spawn camping runs rampent as anyone with a scope has a HUGE advantage over anyone else. (A scope rifle would take years of grinding or a few credit card swipes)

Planes are now easy as pie to fly and can be spammed to completely nullify any and all ground based units. When planes first arived, they were hard to control and you didnt see to many of them. Now they are point and click and you get 3 kills per bomb drop. The skys are black with the rumble of BF 109's.

Tanks now are USELESS at high levels due to Tiger 2's Being flat out unpenable from the front and being able to take hundereds of shots from the side before anything on them is damaged. Tigers can sit right outside your spawn zone, wait for you to try to shoot there unpenable front armour with Antitank weapons, and then kill you when your spawn protection goes away after you shoot. Or, just wait for you, a normal ground unit without any AntiTank capability, to try to run out of your spawn and kill you when you move more then 2 feet and lose your spawn protection.

But the flat out worst problem right now in this game is the amount of players playing Germany. There is no hope to win if you see the game loading with Germany as your enemy. You will get spawn camped. You will get one shot by Kar 98k's. They will have twice the amount of planes you have and 8 more players then your team. I sadly can not say that this is there fault either. It is simply the result of the German Nation being way overbuffed and people wanting to play a faction that can actually win games.

I would really like to like this game. The guns feel fun to shoot and aim, but with Germany sitting on such a high seat and America being rolled under the tracks of Tiger 2's, i will not recomend this game for anyone that doesnt want to burst a blood vessel while simply trying to get more then 10 feet out of your spawn zone and dying 20 times in a row before you can even see the Pay To Win camper shooting you with his instakill Karbine.

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Retro, fix this game.

Posted 29 December, 2018.
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