Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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11 din 72 (15%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Welcome to The Resistance

Complete The Resistance on any difficulty.
Obținută la 2 sept. la 13:21

All Your Loot Are Belong To Us

Collect 100 items from loot drops.
Obținută la 12 aug. la 4:49

Once More Unto the Breach

Clear the Guardhouse.
Obținută la 11 aug. la 7:48

Field Medic

Revive a party member.
Obținută la 11 aug. la 7:02

Through the Cobwebs and Casks

Make it safely through the cellar.
Obținută la 12 aug. la 8:13

Came Out Clean On The Other Side

Make it safely through the sewers.
Obținută la 28 aug. la 13:56

Golden....er, Purple Ticket

Visit the Dark Carnival for the first time.
Obținută la 14 aug. la 7:51

Fully Loaded

Spend 20 loadout points in one adventure.
Obținută la 11 aug. la 6:39

Up in Smoke

Consume 50 herbs.
Obținută la 28 aug. la 13:29

You Rang?

Summon 10 enemies to fight alongside you.
Obținută la 14 aug. la 9:17


Make your first Lore Store purchase.
Obținută la 12 aug. la 6:50

He's No Good To Me Dead

Rescue a mercenary from a Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds

Kill 1000 enemies.
472 / 1,000

Even More Bones!

Kill 300 skellys.
51 / 300

Beam Me Up, Scotty

Use a Teleport Scroll 10 times.
0 / 10

Bring Me That Horizon

Find Captain Johnsgrave's Lost Ship.
0 / 0

Sushi Master

Kill the Kraken.
0 / 1

You're Hired!

Hire 10 mercenaries from merc guilds.
2 / 10

Now You're Thinking With Portals!

Use 10 Portal Scrolls.
1 / 10


Visit all three resistance members in The Royal Mines.
0 / 1

Take It To The Limit

Max out a party member to level 9.
0 / 1

...Still a pity!

First party wipe.
0 / 1

You're So Lucky, You're a Star!

Defeat Lucky and seal Lucky's Vault.
0 / 1

Larger Than Life

Defeat Graveborne and seal the Mausoleum.
0 / 1

Quit Paying Games With My Heart

Defeat the Bandit King and seal the Bandit Stronghold.
0 / 1

It's Gonna Be Fray

Defeat Warden Fraybee and seal the Desecrated Church.
0 / 1

Hanging Tough

Defeat the Hangman and seal the Hangman's Gallows.
0 / 1

Blame It On The Rain

Defeat the Disciple and seal the Temple of Darkness.
0 / 1

You're Toxic

Defeat Bogdrinker and seal Shaman's Hollow.
0 / 0

One Does Not Simply Walk Into A Siege

Clear three towns under siege.
0 / 1

Side Hustle

Complete 30 Town Quests.
16 / 30


Devote to 15 Stone Heroes.
9 / 15

..But Not Forgotten

Devote to 50 Stone Heroes.
16 / 50

Sweeter Tooth

Consume 20 candies.
8 / 20

Party Dust

Rescue Boney Boogey from the Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

Battle Toad

Rescue Toadslayer from the Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

Land or Water, Choose a Side

Rescue Terratrout from the Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

Brother's Grim

Rescue Grimshaw from the Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

Charred General

Rescue Sunderbone from the Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

A Pirate's Life For Me

Rescue Johnsgrave from the Merc Caravan.
0 / 1

Sea Ho!

Claim your first landboat.
0 / 1

Critical Fail

Break a weapon.
0 / 1

Ship Riggity Riggity Wrecked

Your party has been shipwrecked.
0 / 1

Razzle Dazzle

Kill 20 enemies with firearms.
0 / 20


Make 20 Lore Store purchases.
9 / 20


Make 50 Lore Store purchases.
21 / 50

26 realizări ascunse rămase

Detaliile realizărilor vor fi dezvăluite odată cu deblocarea acestora.