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Публикувани: 18 ноем. 2021 в 10:23
Обновени: 20 ноем. 2021 в 1:38

Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Don't waste your time with this mind numbingly boring game. It takes the boring part of MMOs and mashes it into a survival game with bad NPCs, false trailer promises and boring gameplay.

I can't imagine coming into a game that has reviews and saying "It's Early Access", the review clearly states "Early Access Review."

I'm not reviewing the full game, I'm reviewing the slowest progression based Survival game on the market which only caters to Zergs and not small groups of friends etc.

Just because it's a game you like doesn't mean it can't be ♥♥♥♥.

The progression sucks
The gameplay is slow
The combat is clunky
NPCs struggle to chase foxes
Even in a group of friends it's a drag

It's a load of wank.
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4 коментара
Dyslogix | F.OFF 2024 19 ноем. 2021 в 14:21 
Cheers for the heads up, i almost bought it but thought i'd have a browse through the comments ... do no longer want. :steamthumbsup:
Knucklehead McSpazatron 19 ноем. 2021 в 8:40 
I can't imagine coming into a game that has reviews and saying "It's Early Access", the review clearly states "Early Access Review."

I'm not reviewing the full game, I'm reviewing the slowest progression based Survival game on the market which only caters to Zergs and not small groups of friends etc.

Just because it's a game you like doesn't mean it can't be shit.

The progression sucks
The gameplay is slow
The combat is clunky
NPCs struggle to chase foxes
Even in a group of friends it's a drag

It's a load of wank.
HunterOmen44 19 ноем. 2021 в 6:59 
The Game is Early Access (EA) means pre full development. Of course its not got much content at this point but it has only came out. I be they got alot planned to make this game better with the community feedback. They are fixing bugs all the times, actually the bug fixing is insane, they release about 4 patch notes already.

If you dont enjoy it I understand but give it a chance as everything isnt perfect on release.
Cromare 18 ноем. 2021 в 12:36 
Trailer wasn't false. The trailer was organized gameplay you'd see by big guilds. The game is meant to play in bigger groups. I can see how it wouldn't be a great solo game, but its not really meant to be a solo game so the game gets a pass. Also, "Early Access". It's pretty dang polished for Early Access.