Nico 28 ago 2017, ore 18:43 
v ain't a cheater.
[+] 25 ago 2017, ore 8:49 
cheater looser ahahahah
Moi 24 apr 2016, ore 20:49 
Nico 21 apr 2016, ore 12:03 
v I stay stoned and lit all day long, dude.
Moi 20 apr 2016, ore 9:55 
🎊Happy 4/20 🔥 🍁 🔥 Today is a day 📆 of celebration 🎊 😜 🎊 4/20 is the day 📆 that the bonglord 🙏 🍁 🙏 rose from 💀 👻 his grave 👻 💀 and 🙏 graced 🙏 us with 🍁 🍁 🍁 GANJA 🍁 🍁 🍁 Hope u dont get the 🍟 🍕 🍔 🍝 munchies 🍟 🍕 🍔 🍝 too hard 😉 Dont forget to 🙏 thank 🙏 the bonglord and smoke on 🍁 🔥 🚬 send this to 💯 other 😤 trap lords 😤 Or you will find the 👺 ganja gremlin 👺 under your bed 💤 🔫 tonight 🔫
happy 420 my dudes
James Hetfield 8 mar 2016, ore 18:36 
Good to see you again. Long time
ღ'ᴗ'ღ | Rico XD 14 gen 2016, ore 3:29 
James Hetfield 2 mag 2015, ore 7:15 
What? So no one comments anymore?
James Hetfield 20 gen 2015, ore 5:53 
Don't click on comment links. Scams and account hacking.
Supa Gonz 12 gen 2015, ore 21:31 
Hallo, Check this out
Gorgola 21 dic 2013, ore 21:49 
No es Nocturne el gay, es Nyx Assasin el ultra C00L y pro escarabajo :)
Gorgola 19 dic 2013, ore 17:19 
Derp <3:greenwizard:
Ace 1 dic 2013, ore 23:01 
Ace 27 nov 2013, ore 14:18 
Ace 19 set 2013, ore 21:13 
see you later...
Poizon 9 set 2013, ore 13:59 
I matured alot since July.
Poizon 9 set 2013, ore 13:59 
Hey old friend! Long time no see! Remember me? I was the one guy with no friends. I believe you were my first.
Nico 13 ago 2013, ore 20:41 
v Of course.
James Hetfield 11 ago 2013, ore 21:34 
Is this the krusty krab?
Gorgola 3 ago 2013, ore 14:17 
Maurius 26 giu 2013, ore 11:11 
Holaaa :D si, sigo vivo pero sin pc :c xD
NeuroLinka 25 giu 2013, ore 16:37 
HOLIS tiempo sin saber de ti
James Hetfield 12 giu 2013, ore 22:17 
The United States is becoming a Totalitarian government, following the footsteps of old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, solving economic problems through war and instead of killing jews, the U.S is killing muslims, many innocent civilian. The US has 2 "ongoing" wars and 4 undeclared wars with Predator Drones in Libya, Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia. The NSA built a massive security building in Bluffdale, Utah to store information on all American citizens disregarding any and all laws under The Patriot Act such as emails, phone calls or any sort of internet record, even including information on foreign citizens, such as yourself Andrea regardless that you are in Venezuela, since you have talked with me as an American citizen. Even this comment as I write it, is recorded and stored, even after you delete this comment, its never gone. Facebook especially is the worst. Everything on facebook is recorded, deleted or not.
James Hetfield 12 giu 2013, ore 22:15 
All tech corporations such as Google, Youtube, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple and so on have been working under U.S government contract and all information stored from them about the people is given to the NSA. All of this in the name of "terrorism" when really the U.S government got in trouble with a bad energy policy and has been the biggest terrorist of all, even to it's very own citizens. Thus government paranoia. Stalin and Hitler could only have dreamed to get away with what the NSA, CIA and FBI are getting away with under Obama and even Bush. To hell with laws and due process, they don't even follow it. I don't know what the ♥♥♥♥ they are thinking? China and Russia are as strong as ever and are waiting..
.Zaimon 12 giu 2013, ore 20:16 
Traded for games, fast and smooth trader, +rep
Nico 7 mag 2013, ore 18:33 
vv I dont know about that movie, I need to see that :3
James Hetfield 6 mag 2013, ore 20:01 
Tell me about "Legends Of The Fall."

Kinda interesting, the movie came out the same year you were born. It was a very important movie.
Gorgola 4 mag 2013, ore 18:05 
Nico 28 apr 2013, ore 22:51 
v yes, she's anna dewit.
Gorgola 28 apr 2013, ore 19:16 
Derp <33
the greate wall of china 27 apr 2013, ore 22:39 
"Elizabeth and Booker DeWit <3" you have finnished the game right?
Aspecto 21 apr 2013, ore 15:14 
downloading steam
Aspecto 21 apr 2013, ore 14:59 
Moi 14 apr 2013, ore 22:54 
Para velar a chavez, hay que comprar velones o Ponerle alpsite? JAJAJAJA
Gorgola 14 apr 2013, ore 17:12 
e.e Maduro Sucks
Aspecto 5 apr 2013, ore 9:31 
hey derp whats up
James Hetfield 24 mar 2013, ore 23:25 
I didn't want to surprise you yet, but I might be getting married this year.
Gorgola 22 mar 2013, ore 20:24 
el ScoreX skjfdopiajfd 10 mar 2013, ore 17:20 
Hola , bueno estoy vendiendo juegos para steam y servidores de counter strike . los precios son super buenos y accesibles a todo bolsillo para mayor informacion te dejo los links de las webs
Afi 7 mar 2013, ore 22:18 
Mi tiempo no vale nada.
Maurius 16 feb 2013, ore 11:09 
Que cosas? ando mas olvidao que fiesta en resaca :c xD
Zeyray 8 feb 2013, ore 12:30 
Ofcourse i know who you are how could i forget you? well you should keep on studying but type to me anytime you got time :D
yoni 21 gen 2013, ore 18:06 
Feliz viaje
Maurius 3 gen 2013, ore 11:21 
Conectate que tengo ganas de juegar e.e
PIPE 21 dic 2012, ore 21:06 
Gran trader +rep
Moi 4 dic 2012, ore 17:57 
Nico 3 dic 2012, ore 18:14 
vv meh.
Javi3r | 3 dic 2012, ore 16:01 
wow apestosos callense, novatos..
yoni 3 dic 2012, ore 15:32 
shhh you are mine
