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REALLY REALLY RED PANDA 14 Dec, 2021 @ 8:39pm 
Unless you get disoriented. Then the panic sets it. You swim and swim, but you can’t escape. You open your eyes, but all you see is a dark abyss. The murky water blinds you. The grass distorts your friends screaming where the way out is. You’re almost out of breathe and trying to rip through the grass, but the roots are too intertwined and thick. It’s useless. You’re giving up. You take your first breath of the murky sludge and it fills your lungs. But then it hits you. That you are just trying to be distracted from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA 30 Mar, 2020 @ 3:02pm 
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA 18 May, 2018 @ 5:42pm 
N O K E T C H U P 
J U S T S A U C E ラパ パ何哀りょ・ぜ 代乙 疫が佳がヰ永尉
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA 18 Aug, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
SORRY BUT IM DELETING YOU FROM MY LIFE! *clicks delete* LOADING... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 99%. ERROR! It is impossible to delete our friendship. You mean so much to me. Post this to 10 people's walls who you never want to lose. If you get 3 back, you're an amazing friend
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA 14 Apr, 2014 @ 5:06pm 
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA 14 Nov, 2013 @ 1:25am 
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ GOT DIRETIDE