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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 40.7 год. загалом (11.2 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 26 жовт. 2023 о 10:57

Its kinda done what DD2 did for me in that Visually its a massive step up from its predecessor, but they change a lot of the core mechanics that shift its genre and make it not really what the original was.

Endless dungeon isn't really dungeon of the endless, its got its basic formula in terms of search rooms, build and protect modules and open doors, but its a mix of a few things it does better in some areas and worse in others.

- Visually great
- Music is generally solid and they kept some beats from the original (Especially Saloon stuff)
- More involved combat (though it does kinda boil down to hold mouse in a direction)
- The Character art is great
- You can plan ahead a lot easier by looking at enemy types and routes for quests
- I like the new dust system

- For a rouge like, it doesn't have much content, It took me 4 runs to fully upgrade the saloon, not what id expect from its genre
- It feels like i make less decisions than in Dungeon of the Endless, i can usually open all the doors on all layers without an issue, whereas id often have to try and make a break for it in the original
- This is rather Opinion over fact, but the game feels like it punishes slow methodical play with its "time" system being the new wave manager. you can sit at a terminal and think too long or the bar will fill and youll have to deal with that. The old system of "doors opening have a trigger chance" is better
- Theres really not that much variety in runs/guns, gunplay feels really limited
- Characters lose so much personality and repeat 2 lines of dialogue over and over in the runs, no elevator convos just generic lines
- The game is very buggy, I've had to abandon runs because the crystal bot would open a door, then get stuck, because its opened the door it has to go sit in the new spot to shut the door behind, but it just gets stuck and you cant recall it to you.

I've not tried Co-Op so most reviews are from what i hear accurate on lack of progression at this time, which is really odd. wasn't an issue in the original. It feels like a Co-Op game so it kinda shocks me that isn't sorted

Overall id say it feels like for a rogue-like it really lacks content and it feels like an Early Access title due to that + bugs and but with a few patches of content and bug fixes it'll be worth full price. I generally dont like DD2 for its genre shift but this one i dont hate as much which is a good thing. For now picking it up at 10-20% off will get you a good game.
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