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Recent reviews by LunaEmperor

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7.7 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
so while this is not really gonna be a review more of a balance or bugfix comment for those that like RTS games were they also can control units its a clear buy while still in alpha and battles tend to be the same its still fun so buy it if you wanna have something that you can play in between for now and just wait for further updates since the game has potential
onto the bugfix and balancing
-deathray/upgraded sniper tower way too much dmg it kills big bot instantly and can then still kill a couple units in between
-artillery bots to much range to fast of attackspeed (i used a 30 stack artillery stack on bridge sat on the other side and just let the rest of the Ai push enemy had no chance)
needed bugfix ballmorphin on a ramp bugs you through the floor ending up in either death or if you ontop of a building or so shortcutting
-rocket and grenadier bots if you give them the order to shot at a specific target they never hit you basicly have to give them the order to stand next to it and let them autofire
shieldbots if you press q the shield bugs out and flamethrower oneshits buildings basicly so no need for grenadier or rocket bots
If you die or swap units in your group giving orders bugs out a lot of times it can be fixed with just deselecting group leader and reselecting but that shouldn't be a thing in my opinion
also there is never a need to build MG turret and then upgrading it to HMG since you pay 25 fromps less if you go shotgun turret into HMG
i hope this is helpful for the developers and im looking forward to what will be added to this game in the future like maybe multiplayer and planes ground vehicles and maybe navy :D
Posted 13 September, 2021.
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