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I seldom leave reviews, but this one deserves it. What these devs have done is absolutely incredible. I played this game at launch and could barely get through the first couple of hours before I refunded the game. Now... It's a completely different game, not just because of a simple update, these devs have taken the great parts of their previous game and used them to create a fantastic ARPG worthy of a spot in anyone's steam library. Highly... HIGHLY.. Recommended!
Postat 22 iunie 2024.
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46.3 ore înregistrate (44.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I've recently picked this game back up after being thoroughly disappointed by the game at launch and even after the bloodtrail originally released. I can honestly say, the game is pretty damn good now. I still hope the devs continue to add content and change up some mechanics (Also fix some of the builds which just feel janky), but it's in a very VERY solid state at the moment. I will say, if you play the game and are not enjoying the combat, it is 100% your build. Some abilities are just awkward to use (due to poor development), it's like they're bugged or something. If you find a good build, you will absolutely love the combat.
Postat 28 iulie 2021.
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7.4 ore înregistrate (5.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Around 5 hours in and honestly... This is a very good game. I love how they've kept a steady pace of giving you new toys to play with and ways to upgrade your power. The combat is a lot of fun and animations are fluid. This doesn't in any way seem like a cheap darksiders game, it is every bit as good as darksiders 1 and 2.
Postat 4 ianuarie 2021.
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Very relaxing, yet hurts my brain at the same time! It's beautiful!
Postat 3 decembrie 2020.
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11.6 ore înregistrate (4.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
You may wanna pass this game off as yet another doom-like shooters with a sick ass soundtrack, but you'd be wrong. Due to the rhythm mechanic of this game, it is so freaking addicting!
This is the first rogue-like I've played where as soon as I die on a long run, I hit restart immediately and start having just as much fun. It's fast, simplistic, and all around cool as hell!
Postat 2 octombrie 2020.
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10 minutes into the game. Writing/Voices made me uninstall.
"Mother how dare you do this Mother, you -exposition.. exposition.. exposition- Mother why?"
I gave him 1 more "mother" before I alt-F4'd and he friggin did it.

Not giving a negative review because I understand some people can get past these sorts of things, I cannot however. Please just be aware before trying/buying that this is a serious issue.
Postat 10 septembrie 2020.
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Short and sweet, a damn fine game. (I'd recommend sale only due to length and age of the game)
Postat 9 iulie 2020.
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17.7 ore înregistrate (2.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
!Very early review!
I've only put a few hours into the game at this point and honestly I'd like to throw my vote into the bunch.
- Game is pretty much dead
- It's a good solo experience (with co-op if you have friends or want to join with other players, which do exist)
- Graphics / Sound are very impressive
- Story is better than any ARPG I've come across and reminds me of the good oldies like Fable.
- Combat is fun as ♥♥♥♥
- Lots of progression systems with ZERO MICROTRANSACTIONS

Is this game dead?
- It's not even a full multiplayer game, why does it matter how many people are playing other than you?
- There are plenty enough people to get a group together if you don't have friends in the game, it just may take some time.
- Players at many of the early levels as well

Can I play this game solo?
- So far, yes you can. I'm enjoying the solo experience.
- Honestly, with how small most of the missions are, having 4 players in one map seems absurd.
- This should have been marketed as a solo experience with high level co-op fun

Is it fun???
- It's grindy... Honestly.
- The combat is very well fleshed out and pretty damn fun. (I was surprised by this)
- The missions are very short, perfect for college students or people with jobs (people who can't devote their lives to games)
- Yes, it is fun. Very fun actually.
- I'd recommend having some upbeat music in the background though

Story? Is it worth it?
- Honestly, this game has one of the better stories, I'll be it simple, I've seen in a while. It reminds me of Fable stories. Very simple, but it lends itself well to the gameplay.
- Near fully voice acted. This I was not expecting when I bought it, but dammit if the voice acting isn't good.

- Yes.. Just yes..
- There is a lot of ♥♥♥♥ to work for here.
- Abilities and leveling all your heroes (which you swap to from the same account, no creation screen)
- cosmetics
- Pets
- ♥♥♥♥♥♥ loot? Yeah, it's a loot game. So you can do that I suppose.
- Also, there are ZERO MICROTRANSACTIONS! None, zilch, nada. ♥♥♥♥ you earn is ♥♥♥♥ you earn.

- There one bug I have, it's a spontaneous FPS drop that lasts a few seconds and then goes back to normal (It doesn't affect the flow of the game as much as you'd think and it's not that massive "60/40" max)
- I love this game's art style. It's beautiful. Like Torchlight Lite.
- All around the graphics in this game are very impressive.

Didn't the devs dip?
- Why yes they did :D
- ♥♥♥♥ those guys for not continuing to fight for the game (in a public sense I mean).
- I don't know if they have plans for it or not.
- But it's a very well polished, complete game. So we don't need more ♥♥♥♥. (But we'd like it, of course)
Postat 8 mai 2020.
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This game is all Goat, all the time. Nothing but Goat, constantly Goating.
You would think that because of this it wouldn't be a good shooter, but that's wrong. This is probably one of the best FPS games to hit steam in ages, PLEASE SUPPORT THIS GAME! I want more Goat in the future.
Postat 6 august 2019.
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0.4 ore înregistrate
Can't even go 5 minutes without spamming your UI with pointless ♥♥♥♥ you know nothing about. Come on guys... Do you have no idea how to make a game fun? The wait for another MMO continues.
Postat 23 octombrie 2018.
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