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Скорошни рецензии на TheHappyCatsTail

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14.8 изиграни часа (13.0 часа по време на рецензията)
this demo is quite chunky, my final save file was slightly above 10 hours. but i was playing slowly and also on "Hard" difficulty which might have slowed me down abit. i would guess it could be as short as around 4 hours if all you did was run through the story without taking the time to look through things (:

It has Megaten DNA all over. which shouldn't be surprising at all. but its also MORE then just that. its actually closer to SMT then persona imo. what differences we do have here are enough to make things feel fresh and the archtypes arent just "personas" they are definitely more complicated then that.

it has SMT press turns <3 enough to sell ANY game to me.
it has shoji meguros OST works and this time around its sounding particularly unique. i dont think i've heard anything like it.
The art team and also the UI designers have absolutely gone to town here and its fantastic.
i've heard theres some optimisation issues but i didn't really experience anything too crazy. some tiny stutters here and there.
as for the story, its a bit early to tell but its shaping up to be something special. what we did actually get in this demo was great and paced surprisingly well.... these games tend to have very slow and horrible starts imo. that isn't the case here. it was engaging enough from the very beginning

overall if this is any indication of what we are getting in the full version i think we are in for an absolute treat. <3
Публикувана 28 септември 2024.
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18.6 изиграни часа
The only issues i have with this game is how short it is and also how easy the game is. which might not be a bad thing depending on what kind of player you are. almost everything else from the story and mechanics down to the aesthetics and the OST are fantastic. and my lorrrrrd is the OST amazing. i would gladly drop another 10$ for the OST alone.
Публикувана 30 октомври 2021.
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