Alaska, United States
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Forevar Shepard Dancing
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wannabe Scout main 4. Apr. 2017 um 2:02 
Diggin' the new photo, Ev. What does it mean!?
ferby 5. Dez. 2015 um 14:12 
ferby 9. Okt. 2014 um 23:54 
I need to name that direct hit in your honor.
MadGeaR 31. Aug. 2014 um 4:30 
so i've been gone for half a year and now ur reduced to a dota playin sadkat >:o
Lunar Fox 9. Juli 2013 um 23:18 
PrenderGhast 16. Juni 2013 um 5:38 
The new look hath confuzzled me, and yes I shall looketh upon ye pictures!