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47 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
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11.6 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
The epitome of "we have bloodborne at home" is an annoying experience. Worth it on sale if you're curious but I wouldn't pay full price

Good Stuff
- The pixel art is really beautiful and it is at least on par with it's main competitor Blasphemous

- The visual themes of the different sections of the game are similarly lovely to look at and the designers have done a wonderful job of making it feel like a living, breathing world.

-You certainly get a lot of bang for your buck, I couldn't stomach more then 11 hours but I'm betting it would be 15-20 for 100% I just stopped caring.

Bad Stuff
- Ok so the biggest sin: Your character controls like complete trash. You are slow, your dodges almost seem like rolling the dice, you turn like a 16 wheeler, and none of that becomes evident until the mid game bosses where staying mobile is the best way to approach large encounters. The worst part is that you get a transformation later on that makes movement and combat more dynamic and fun but it only lasts for a few seconds in combat.

- The enemies are perhaps, the most frustrating I've encountered in a game recently. They have large health pools that just continue to grow through the game, making it so that you'll never really feel like you've made progress leveling or improving your weapon.
They will almost all have homing projectiles or ways to hit you without risking themselves or they have tracking to be able to completely 180 mid swing and the worst part? So many of them deal damage on death by exploding, lighting themselves on fire, shooting icicles etc. combat becomes: Engage group of enemies, kill one, back away to let it explode, repeat. Makes the flow of combat in the mid to late game awful.

- Ledges are really more of a dice roll, sometimes you'll grab them, sometimes you won't. Especially fun over instant death pits.

- While the sprite work is fantastic, it is criminally overused, you will be fighting the same enemies the entire game with larger and larger health and damage pools. Sometimes you'll get palette swap characters and new areas do have 1 or 2 new enemies but it gets old quickly.

- The fast travel system has a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ UI, please just let me move my cursor around the map freely to pick the point I want to go to as opposed to locking me in place.

- The sidequests are just bad. Usually you'll have to find an item for an NPC, they'll thank you and vanish. No aftermath and sometimes not even an item, it's weird and makes the whole process forgettable.

- The late game areas put little traps everywhere. Icicles that explode when you hit them, powder kegs that explode too, stalactites that fall from the ceiling. Couple this with the exploding enemy deaths I mentioned before and it just feels awful

- Even at very high level your character is incredibly fragile because there is no hit stun. Basically there's no period of immunity so things like this happen:

Engage bomb throwing enemy and melee enemy.
Kill bomb thrower with 2 swings, he drops 3 bomb on the spot where he dies and one bomb in front and behind him
Melee enemy hits me during this, I fall backwards into a dropped bomb that explodes
I am thrown forward by the explosion and into the spot where the bomber died
3 bomb explosions do most of my health
Melee enemy kills me with a follow up

Like a 1 second immunity would be so helpful here to make the process more manageable.

- Really the game isn't bad/hard but the above choices make it so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tedious, I was ready to be done by the end of it.
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 03, 2024.
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3.9 giờ được ghi nhận
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
To the point
(Early Access review)
Interesting Boomer Shooter/ Arcade shooter hybrid that is worth the price of admission with some bugs that are in need of extinction before final release.

+Completed on Hard difficulty+

Good Stuff
- This game has a very weird but intriguing blend of Horror, BoomShoot and Arcade style games involving interesting elements from each. I think it works very well as a cohesive experience and a great throwback to the forgotten Dino Crisis series.

- The leveling and item systems were enough to get me to replay the levels in order to improve my character. I do wish the level up costs were relaxed a little but it's not too bad over all.

- In MOST cases ( aside from bosses) ammo is very generous, meaning you get some nice combat pieces as hordes of dinos are running at you.

- Speaking to the Arcade portion, you get a score for taking down multiple dinos in quick succession without getting hit. It's a tiny bit like RE mercenaries mode and improving my score kept me going back to the levels to see what I could improve.

- The ambiance in the early levels is great, it feels like a horror type game where you're trying to play cautiously and avoid getting ambushed only to be thrust into crazy open areas with small hordes of enemies.

- The level designs are, for the most part, really good. They do a nice job of showing you your objective ( like a key out of reach) and you have to intuit how to get their on your own, there is a minimal amount of hand-holding that they could possibly expand on a bit more going forward.

Bad Stuff
- There's a lot of unpolished jank in this game, enemies clip through the doors making for easy kills, explosions are incredibly difficult to judge and sometimes enemies just start idling for no reason. It's early access so let's pray this is fixed in the final release.

- The guns feel incredibly weak and the sound design doesn't help much

- The noise on the melee prod is BRUTAL, good thing it's completely useless in game ( can't even break boxes with it)

- While the auditory ambiance is great the OST loops are awful. Having a 35 second dramatic music reprise loop on repeat for a 30 minute level gets grating super quick.

- The bosses in this game are poorly implemented. It would make sense that they're bigger, faster and stronger then you but you should at LEAST give your players the ammo to go to town on them. In some fights they address this with the ability to use environmental hazards against enemies.

- The damage in this game is bizarre, some enemies will got from 100% to like 75% with one shot and then take another 10-15 shots of the same gun to kill. I'm sure this is just bad math on the engine side of things, hopefully they correct it.
Đăng ngày 25 Tháng 03, 2024.
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20.4 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
An well paced metroidvania with an anime aesthetic that gives you a complete experience for maybe just a tiny bit too high of a price. Still well worth your time for fans of the genre.

+ Cleared on Normal difficulty +

Good Stuff
- The game really does make exploration accessible with markings on the map showing you spots of interest. It doesn't make every hidden item obvious but it does help narrow down and eliminate random pointless searching.

- The combat is fun and a bit hectic, you're expected to learn dodging well and while you can tear through most enemies your character always remains just frail enough that you need to keep on your toes.

- All of the side objectives are very well implemented in that you don't need to go ridiculously out of your way to complete them and the rewards are well worth the effort.

- The pacing is excellent and there never feels like there's a lull in the story. Ignore my total playtime ( I accidentally left the game on while going out) the games full story clocks in at about 6 hours and I was able to get 110% completion. A tight, well told story all in all.

Bad Stuff
- This game has a weird love for elevators, lots of them clumped up in a few places and they are SUPER slow, just a very odd choice overall

- You get a self heal that becomes VERY strong endgame to the point where you can trivialize some encounters with it. I get the critique of 'just don't use it' but it is a major part of the game.
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 03, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 21 Tháng 03, 2024.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4.9 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
A Survival Horror..... sorta Rougelite game ?! It all works so well and is definitely worth your time/money

Good Stuff
- The core gameplay loop ( Try something, succeed, try something, die, repeat) is actually super enjoyable and you keep just enough between deaths that you can feel the sense of progression.

- The puzzles are largely fine, barring one or two where even a poo-brain like myself could figure them out without a ton of difficulty.

The game gives you good reason to play each character, aside from their unique traits, by putting things into the map that only they can use to make future runs easier. People can collect unique plants in the manor, for instance, that the Medic character can turn into multiple medpacks that spawn each run. These bonuses never feel overpowered with the exception of one or two of the gun upgrades.

- The creators really understood what makes the early RE games so enjoyable and the game has a fantastic mix of great moments, cheesy dialogue and, yes, a ton of throwbacks and references in game for old bastards such as myself to stumble on.

Bad Stuff
- The combat can be a bit difficult to get used to at first, I know I had issues switching between weapons in critical moments, but you'll get the hang of it

- There's not a lot of enemy variety here and although the few that we get do have some small variants between them it's not strong enough to make them stand out much.

- The game is pretty short, taking me roughly 4 hours and that was with a few re-attempts, this is more of a nitpick but some people might be turned off by it.
Đăng ngày 18 Tháng 03, 2024.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
5.8 giờ được ghi nhận
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
To the point
A grotesque, gritty and kinetic boomer shooter definitely worth your money for fans of the genre

+ Cleared on Hard Difficulty + (Early Access)

Good Stuff
- Every gun in this game feels fantastic, from the starting Magnum to the late game triple-barrel shotgun. The game is JUST generous enough with the ammo that you'll have to do some switching during your play time but choosing what weapons to use and when adds another fun challenge to the game.

- Th level design is fantastically varied in their approach. Meaning that some levels are large gauntlets with waves of enemies, others are less combat heavy and more puzzle-like in that you are given a small variety of weapons and need to juggle them to get through.

- The verticality is wonderfully done here and lots of levels have you climbing over, under and on top of things that would be non-interactable in most boomer shooters. Sometimes secrets will be waiting for you but it's even more impressive when its part of level progression and the creators trust you to find it.

- The soundtrack is used so well here, not just heavy metal tracks that are tied into this genre, but there are also tense, almost horror like sections where things go totally silent, really helps to build the mood per level and let you know when a tonal shift is coming.

- The overall aesthetic is sort of a post-apocalyptic body horror and it's sold very well in the visuals, sound and lore snippets you get while exploring the levels.

- Great enemy variety for the 2 episodes available, oh hard they remained an ever present threat if you didn't think about how to tackle each encounter.

Bad Stuff
- Personally, I both like and sternly hate the lives system. I can't imagine anything out Daikatana fans loving this feature. I'll admit it made for some tense and exciting moments like when you have no lives left and only a handful of enemies at what you're certain is the end of the level, but mostly it had me restarting due to several more cheesy parts of the game (10,000 blood golem ambush at the end of Death-Cult Vestiges?)

- The inverse of the above point, I just wish the devs would let us save the damn game normally. Makes it more convenient if you can't complete a whole level in one go.
Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 03, 2024.
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73 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
29.4 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
This overly long boomer shooter is going to test your patience with it's love of ambushes and monotonous level design. Absolutely worth a sale but only the devoted are getting through this slog.

+ Beaten on Hard difficulty +

Good Stuff
- The game controls fantastically and I never felt like any missed shot or ledge was the result of any kind of jankyness in the game.

- The collection of guns is interesting and varied, each filling a niche that leaves you to figure out how best to use them. It's totally worth experimenting, even with earlier weapons, as some can tear through enemies above their grade when used correctly.

- The movement tech using the blade dash is very unique here. It's surprisingly great in combat and is used for some fun platforming segments, they're very spare sadly.

- The difficulty of the game seems very fair overall, although there are some design choices that make the later levels a slog.

Bad Stuff
- This game LOVES its ambushes. Like really, loves them. The first hub world is light on them but by world 2 and 3? Holy God. The game hides and spawns enemies expressly where you are not looking. Constantly.
Open a door? The room you exited 1 minutes ago is filled with enemies zero'ing in on your booty.
Turn a corner? Rushing enemy on the opposite side.
Checked that corner this time? Great! Oh by the way there's an enemy on a tiny ledge above you.
This just grinds the pace of these levels to a halt as you are constantly checking and rechecking to not get lit up by an unseen "didn't-exist-a-second-ago" enemy and it killed the enjoyment of the later levels for me.

- I can't believe I'm saying this as I'm all for content to cost ratio but the game is too long. I feel like the earlier levels are more evenly paced but the end is just a slog with most levels taking closer to an hour or more.

- All the levels sort of blend together here. Sure the hubs are distinct, but the 5 sub levels all suffer from a terrible sameness and I couldn't tell you more then 1 or 2 set pieces that stood out to me. This is super noticeable after the first hub world.

- Enemy variety is eh. Not terrible not great, after fighting about a billion of them in the constant ambushes you'll begin to dread that teleport in sound.

- The story really is like.... it's bad. I know boomer shooters are not known for this but this just feels exceptionally lackluster generic fantasy. I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing even once it was done.
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 03, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 5 Tháng 03, 2024.
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3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
10.2 giờ được ghi nhận
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
To the point
Though this shooter is unfairly difficult, I'm thinking that was my fault. I do recommend this one on a sale unless the Dev ever actually....y'know, releases it fully, but there are better boomer shooters out there.

Good Stuff
+ Cleared on Violent (hard) +

- The different environs of Hell are neat, they tell you a lot about the world without the need to spell it out, though they do offer journals to round out the lore.

- Bullet parries are some of the best feeling moments in this game as they regenerate some health and also turn huge damage back on enemies, which is often time sorely needed to get some breathing room.

- Watching some vids after clearing this game, there is some awesome stuff that you can do with weapons/subweapons/movement tech and it all looks super stylish, too bad they teach you none of it.

Bad Stuff
- So as I mentioned above, I played on violent, so a lot of this is on me but dear god this game is absolutely unforgiving in just about every way. The difficulty falls into 2 categories I've found:

1. All the ♥♥♥♥ - this is the most common and you'll be on maps with 2-3 waves of enemies, everyone of which can kill you in 1-2 hits and attacking you all at once from every angle, hope you don't need to blink or anything.

2. Save point separated by mile markers - If you have an "easy" encounter, especially later in the game, expect to have 2-3 of them seperated by corridors consecutively before you get a save point. Made that mistake of blinking I mentioned earlier? Well back to start for you! Repeat as needed until level cleared.

- Blood is health, one of the games mission statements, seems like an utter lie since you can camp under a huge enemy, or even get a few in a shotgun blasts into a group and regen 5, 10....maybe 15 or 30 health, too bad that last melee attack from the super fast enemy just hit you for 60 though. Whoops, back to start for you! Sometimes, this just seems completely reversed though and you'll be back at full after a pistol kill, never really figured it out.

- I mentioned this before but why can you not save manually? Either beat the level in one go or start from the beginning, super annoying in later levels which can get pretty long.

- This could just be on Violent but NOTHING dies quickly. First enemies you encounter? 2 Shotgun blasts by my testing, even if you have the barrel pressed against their chest. Giant Mecha enemies at the end of the game? I could probably pay off my car faster then it takes to kill these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Too bad they spawned 3 or 4 or 5 at a time in the later maps and they can all kill you without line of sight.

To keep harping on this, once you get a rocket launcher you'd think things would start going in your favor but half of the enemies just parry or reflect them (I resisted uninstalling when I saw this the first time) and the other half get a nice peaceful ride up into the sky taking 2-3 rockets to kill, and don't worry, the second they land they have one in the chamber going right through your skull.
Đăng ngày 13 Tháng 02, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 4 Tháng 03, 2024.
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48.8 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
A stylish Musou style game that Persona 5 fans will love, but others might not know what they're buying

Good Stuff
++ Cleared on Hard Mode ++

- I'm a fan of JRPGs who played P5 a long time ago and I can confirm that the story here, which is a canonical continuation, is great. Feels like a natural evolution of the already strong narrative and it was nice to catch up with familiar characters.

- The game really incentivizes you to keep your team rotated by changing up the vulnerabilities per dungeon

- Without the timing system from the first game, you can be a lot more leisurely with going into and out of dungeons to explore and level up without worrying about missing things

- The soundtrack is really great, most of the classic tracks from P5 have been remixed and match the more frantic pace of the game.

- Battles are just quick enough where they're fun to grind and try out new strategies.

Bad Stuff

- If you do NOT like or have a low tolerance for Weeb stuff, pass on this one cause it hits every trope

- So this was initially pitched to me by a friend as a Musou or a dynasty warriors style game. It is absolutely not. It's more or less an action game with an explorable map. For me this didn't hinder my enjoyment but if you came here looking for a Musou style game you'll be disappointed.

- Normal is incredibly easy, as in you can let you AI teammates do a lot of the work while you hang out. Hard is very punishing in the first dungeon but evens out later, just keep in mind even with grinding you'll be getting 3-4 shot through a majority of the game.

- The bosses, which are the centerpieces of games like these normally, are kind of sad here. They look interesting enough but you're given lots of tricks to defeat them (that you can choose not to use of course). There are a large majority of elite enemy encounters that are much harder.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 01, 2024.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4.3 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
An FPS that's not quite a rhythm game, not quite a rouge-like with the weaknesses of all.

Good Stuff

+ Cleared on Normal difficulty +

- The FPS portion of this game is solid, it controls great and, when you can actually focus on the rhythm and play it how it was intended, every comes together nicely.

- The aesthetic and design of the world is very well done. Theme-wise the Hells are all very unique, too bad almost none of that leaks into the level design.

Bad Stuff
- The games biggest crime is it's sameness. The levels are all identical in how they play out: straight path, Arena, straight path to next arena, repeat 3 times, Boss. All the while fighting the same small variety of enemies, plenty of them reskins, using the same 4 weapon arsenal.

- The weapons feel crappy. The shotgun fires like a pellet shooter (there's a DLC shotgun that I bet handles better, open those wallets) the pistols are really just sad in both damage and distance, the crossbow that takes so long between shots you may need a nap and these double scythes that are so janky I'm convinced they were added as an after thought. In a game about scouring hell I cannot believe they used such utterly boring and ineffective weapons.

- The OST, which is the shining point for a game like this, really just all sounds very similar. Nothing against the genre but if you shuffled the order of the tracks it would make no difference. They're not unique to the level or represent any real theme except maybe using something said in a previous cutscene in the lyrics.

- For a game that has sort of an arcade like presentation there sure aren't a lot of power-ups. You can increase your rhythm counter with pickups on the map and..... actually that's it.

- The bosses are boring. Massive bullet sponges with the same pattern: Do 1/3rd of the health, enemy wave, another 1/3rd, enemy wave rinse repeat. They do vary attack patterns thank god and At least they have different hats on!!

- The final boss seems like a competition to put as much ♥♥♥♥ on the screen as humanly possible and was the only real challenge in the game for me, killing me about 3-4 times. Even after that many attempts I can say it was never clear what was killing me.

- There's really nothing to strive for after completing the game. Unlike something like Binding of Isaac, just about everything seems to be unlocked on your first playthrough so why would I go back and just play the same 8 stages with the same 8 enemies over?

- You need to jump a ridiculous height to clear enemy shockwaves/ puddles/ persistent effects. Plenty of times I felt like I was clear and I would get hit.

Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 01, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 9 Tháng 01, 2024.
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5.2 giờ được ghi nhận
To the point
A loving Megaman/Zero homage with style, charm and most importantly, fantastic controls.

Good Stuff

+Cleared on Hard difficulty+

- Seems odd to start with the controls but they are incredibly tight here. There was never a missed jump, slide or grapple where I felt like I was cheated by a poorly responding control scheme

- The levels are large but not overwhelming, and there are a good amount of secrets hidden among the stages for you to go back and explore after an initial playthrough.

- The boss fights are all great fun with a good variety of moves to keep you guessing. After face-planting hard on the first few I found the subsequent ones to be a fantastic challenge.

- The graphics, while a bit more Gameboy color then SNES, are really very well done. even the palette swap enemies don't feel particularly cheap as their functionalities are completely different.

- The story is actually well thought out and there are a few twists and turns you may not be expecting

Bad Stuff
- It is a bit short, clocking in at 5 hours for a hard playthrough

- The grapple feels criminally underused

- The power up circuits don't feel terribly necessary, and most of the boss ability chips aren't that great, this is another way of saying the protag is strong as he is and doesn't need much extra help.

- It's missing some of the Megaman staples like the E-tank, weapon tank etc which could be useful, though this is really more of a nitpick.
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 01, 2024.
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