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8.9 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is the next installment in Hideo Kojima's long lasting Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid series.

This entry into the series continues where the previous game, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, left off. The strange part about this is it picks up after the secret unlockable ending from Peace Walker. However this one plot hole doesn't detract from the entire experience. The game is fluid, fast paced, and runs really smoothly. You don't have to have unlock the secret ending from Peace Walker to enjoy this game's story. The game's cutscenes and loading screens do a great job of explaining of what is going on.

When you first play this game you start off with the first mission Ground Zeroes. This is the prologue mission to Kojima's upcoming game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Ground Zeroes is best described as a taste of what is to come from the Phantom Pain. After you complete the Ground Zeroes main mission you will unlock five other missions which tell the story leading up to the main Ground Zeroes mission. These extra missions all take place on the same map as the main Ground Zeroes mission. You will be very familiar with the base after playing each one of these missions, however each mission is varied and interesting enough to keep you playing.

Also this game has a deep ranking system and it is fun to challenge yourself to get rank S on each misison, as well as completing the various challenges such as marking all the enemies or completing a mission without using a weapon. Challenges like this keep the replay value high.

This game is a perfect buy on sale otherwise I feel like there isn't enough content to justify the purchase. It is a love letter to Metal Gear Solid fans. This game does take place at a later place in the time line so it isn't the best place to jump in if you are new to the series and are attempting to get into the lore. Other than that great buy and a lot of fun.
Posted 22 December, 2014.
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