InstantZippy vluchtstrook
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Agard (ated a lot dinner) 23 Thg08, 2018 @ 2:11am 
You are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wortless brainded scum♥♥♥♥ bastard pile of trash mental ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are.
InstantZippy vluchtstrook 10 Thg08, 2018 @ 11:40am 
Egg 7 Thg08, 2018 @ 7:52am 
kom botsen in bed
InstantZippy vluchtstrook 2 Thg03, 2018 @ 5:35am 
ik zou niks liever willen maar ik ben gehandicapt man
Oranje 2 Thg03, 2018 @ 2:46am 
Wanneer gaan we weer tegen elkaars auto botsen in Borderlands
Agard (ated a lot dinner) 29 Thg10, 2017 @ 12:50pm 

In the Name of Allaah. Most Merciful. Most Gracious. Most Beneficent.


I smoked weed for two years. Paranoid. Attention Seeking. Shirk. No Salat. Heedlessness. Against my parents. Hate. Bitterness. Freemasonry. Answering to shaytans whispers.. ending up in black magic attack! From darkness into light.. do realise when you smoke it you leave the world and enter another dark world.. without ghusl and wudu and dua and salat you may never enter light again.. it destroys people.. cannabis should be class A

STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG!! I take an oath to Allaah that I offer dua to all who read this, I offer them money, I offer them dua from my heart avoid this drug, read purification of the heart by hamza yusuf

I have smoked weed for years and dealt with the whole game.. stay away from this!!!



May Allaah guide us and may Allaah give guidance to the parents who ignore this!!