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最近兩週 12.3 小時 / 總時數 4,194.0 小時 (評論時已進行 3,966.2 小時)
張貼於:2024 年 9 月 16 日 上午 8:04

If Valve actually cared about the game maybe it would be good, IF you are casual player then that's alright, but if you are competitive player those are cons:
-Cheaters literally every match or even couple of cheaters per match
-What you see is what you get is not a valid statemet - dying behind walls all the times for some reasons, gun fires noone know where is also repetitive problem
-Sub tick system that actually made the game worse due to diffrences in players ping
-Updates that are irrevelant for the competitive players
-1 year after the publish, 1 year of the same bugs
-even tho the game is successor to the CS:GO the game itself feel more junky/not responsive compared to the previous games.
-game is trully responsive ONLY when playing local with bots.
-colliders on maps are still bugged (after 1 year of release) - walls on maps have inconsistency in the collision.
-hugging on other players makes the player model feel like is impirsoned (still not fixed after 1 year)
-maps are still laggy, huge FPS diffrences (some maps works better, some way worse)
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