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Son iki haftada 0.1 saat / kayıtlarda 744.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 159.3 saat)
Yayınlanma: 19 Oca 2020 @ 9:20
Güncellenme: 19 Oca 2020 @ 9:23

Thank you Rockstar for bringing red dead to Pc love the game and looking forward to more. Really awesome after a hard days work to get lost trotting or to gallop through this immersive world you have created watching the sunsets the nature life listening to the music in this world so much to do and have fun with . then blam waisting an oak for pointing his gun at me lol . when i get hungry a hunt. finished the game i just want more and more and online i will go as soon as i hit 100% completion thank you again cant wait for the new edition. ive played red dead redemption back on Ps 3 love PC and console its nice to have a bit of background story now thank you Rockstar keep it up Releasing your games always a fan
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