Dr Kill

Why do you fight? Why do you explore?
Why do you conquer, rescue, and so much more?
When the boss knocks you down, why do you rise again?
What is it that drives you and pushes you to win?

You are a gamer. So that's what you do.
Whether in single player, or with other gamers too.
It's not just a choice. Nor a hobby for the while.
It's why you wake up in the morning. The essence of your style.

So #GAMETOTHEXTREME, with your friends and your kin.
Use the best possible tools to help you win.
Thank you for your service, as you seize the day.
Never lose hope, keep the enemies at bay.

:VSnake: :VSnake: :VSnake: :VSnake: :VSnake:
Понастоящем извън линия
Изложение на худ. творби
Любима игра
2 483
Изиграни часа
Скорошна дейност
229 изиграни часа
последно пускане 1 февр.
186 изиграни часа
последно пускане 1 февр.
8,1 изиграни часа
последно пускане 28 ян.