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1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
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2727 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
sephi 23.10.2018 klo 1.38 
Ahahaha you ♥♥♥♥♥, I told you, you're gonna be vac and then, I check your profile... ROFL XDDDDDD ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
CSMONEY promobot 5.4.2018 klo 5.41 
Hey bro, I can give my PLAYERUNKNOWN's Bandana for all your pubg inventory. I think it's a good offer since Bandana is popular and nice so if you ok just send me trade offer. I will accept your pubg inventory for my Bandana for sure but also can take any other reasonable offer
prm 4.11.2017 klo 12.01 
1 VAC-Ausschluss | Informationen
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145 Tag(e) seit dem letzten Ausschluss
prm 5.9.2017 klo 11.32 
1 VAC-Ausschluss | Informationen
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85 Tag(e) seit dem letzten Ausschluss
shade 5.9.2017 klo 10.55 
hahah still mad cuz bad
shade 18.8.2017 klo 9.40 
lul dat boi is mad und hat vac bekommen huehuehuehue