Grand Grandler   United States
i am Grand Moff Ardus Kaine
En ligne
For The Alignment
my rank is Grand Moff

i am all so the the clan leader of TPA
my ship class is Super Star Destroyer
name of ship is the Reaper
secound flag ship name is Rust Buckit
i am commander of Scourge Squadron
i do not trade. so do not ask me or you be wasting your time.

Planet Sartinaynian
personnal plant i governed Ryloth
Weapon Chinese Martial Arts
ligthsaber color black and white
Head of Imperial Moff Council

Grand Moff Ardus Kaine is a hard, cold, and extremely calculating man. A brilliant theorist and tactician, he has put great emphasis on success through total domination, an applied principle the New Order. He views himself as one day taking the position of Emperor, not of the Imperial Galactic Empire, but of the New Galactic Empire."
―New Republic report on Ardus Kaine
Ardus Kaine was an Imperial Moff and the successor of Wilhuff Tarkin as Grand Moff of Oversector Outer. His flagship was the Reaper. Following the Battle of Endor, Kaine formed the Pentastar Alignment.

Ardus Kaine was a Human male native to the Outer Rim world of Sartinaynian in the Braxant sector.The son of successful trader and speciesist Vilardo Kaine, Kaine had all of his father's misplaced ambitions foisted upon him, despite the fact that he wasn't particularly non-human and was given more to co-operation than giving orders. However, his father saw his ascending the highest echelons of political society. Despite not particularly agreeing with his father, he worked hard to please him, eventually becoming involved in politics.

A strong character and noted public speaker, Kaine was involved in the politics and administration of the Galactic Republic, becoming one of the earliest, most ardent supporters of Naboo Senator Palpatine, embracing his philosophy wholeheartedly after his father was killed in a pirate attack. [6] Kaine remained at the Senator's side as Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor; when Palpatine reorganized the Republic into the first Galactic Empire, Kaine adopted the principles of the New Order with fanaticism. His leadership and organizational skills came to the fore in the Imperial Period, during which Kaine played a key role in administrative reform. Immediately after the Declaration of the New Order, he was instrumental in ensuring the Grand Army of the Republic's support for the new regime. Kaine worked alongside the likes of Crueya Vandron, Ishin-Il-Raz and Janus Greejatus in the formation of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, after concerns about the administration of Imperial Intelligence, viewing it as something his father would have been proud of. Kaine quickly became disillusioned with the COMPNOR project, however, viewing the organization's constant feuding with Imperial Intelligence as a waste of valuable Imperial time and effort. It was around this time he began a lifelong feud with Ennix Devian: he viewed Devian as a cruel, brutal thug. Devian, in turn saw Kaine as pompous and uncommitted to High Human Culture - something, ironically, that was correct.
For his loyal and productive Imperial servitude, Kaine was appointed governor of several worlds, and later a moff. Extremely wealthy, Kaine at some point became a corporate backer of the Imperial Inquisitor Jerec.[9] After Wilhuff Tarkin's death at the Battle of Yavin, he became Grand Moff of Oversector Outer. While this offered him a prestigious title and control over a huge region of the Outer Rim, Kaine saw his promotion as a personal rebuke: he wanted to be near Palpatine on Imperial Center, assisting in important Imperial policies, not tucked away in the furthest fringes of the Empire trying to repair the damage left by Tarkin's death - even his enemy Devian had managed to be closer to the halls of power.[10] With Kaine's new title came command of the Outer Rim Imperial Fleet and the elite Scourge Squadron,a considerable force of Star Destroyers tasked with rooting out and quelling Rebel Alliance activity in the Outer Rim. Kaine's flagship Reaper was one of the few Imperial Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts in commission.Around the time of The Battle of Endor, one of the two worldcraft in orbit around Coruscant was due to be given to Kaine for his service to the Empire: it was later stolen by Ennix Devian.

the star align

In 4 ABY, Palpatine was killed during a Rebel attack on the second Death Star at Endor, and the Empire was thrown into a state of disarray. News of the Emperor's demise was slow to reach Oversector Outer, but Kaine was eventually informed aboard the Reaper. In previous times, the loss of his hero would have been met with great sorrow by Kaine, but, still bitter about being stationed in the Outer Rim, he merely saw it as an opportunity. Kaine still believed in the ideals of the New Order, but now the opportunity to found a new Empire state, with Kaine at its head, had been presented to him. While other Imperials in the Outer Rim initiated chaotic internecine conflicts, Kaine moved quickly to consolidate his power and form a new Imperial faction. Knowing that many corporations would struggle to keep afloat without Imperial backing, Kaine called together a gathering of corporation heads from the Velcar Free Commerce Zone and Imperial governors aboard the Reaper.

The "conciliatory meeting" was attended by Imperial Governor Ib Dekeet; Commerce Master Commissioner Gregor Raquoran; Dynamic Automata Corporate Head Elta Besk; Galentro Heavy Works Representative Wyrn Otro; and Kaine himself. Kaine proposed a treaty which would unite the Imperials and corporate interests to create an isolationist political conglomerate that would practice the ideals of the New Order and allow the allied businesses to continue to trade as under the Empire, without interference from the newly-formed New Republic. Kaine was well aware that, should the Velcar Free Commerce Zone fall under New Republic jurisdiction, local syndicates use of slavery and corruption would be quickly stopped, and he used this fact as leverage during the talks, emphasizing the fact several times. The talks were fraught with paranoia and confrontation, and Kaine had to work hard to keep the participants off each other's throats. As it was, none of Kaine's colleagues particularly cared for his political theory, and Otro openly questioning Kaine's ambitions. The Grand Moff refuted claims that he would install himself as Emperor, emphasizing the need for unity and co-operation to ensure the project was a success. Ultimately, the Pentastar Alignment Treaty was signed by all parties, creating the Pentastar Alignment. Kaine dubbed it thus because there were five plenipotentiaries present on his flagship; despite mild objections from Governor Dekeet, all Pentastar vessels and soldiers were adorned with a badge, which Kaine hoped would be a symbol of both unity and fear.
With newfound corporate backing and significant forces of capital ships and soldiers at his disposal, Kaine established the Alignment in a huge number of systems, engulfing areas with force and installing planetary overseers to carry out the will of Kaine and his allies. Many Imperial forces in Oversector Outer voluntarily joined the cause, due to Kaine's strong leadership and fervent Imperialism. The Grand Moff kept his burgeoning quasi-Empire mostly independent from the wider galaxy, refraining from any conflict with the New Republic or rival warlords. As a result, Kaine's business allies were allowed to continue operating free from interference, despite the New Republic's moral opposition to their Humanocentric, oppressive modi operandorum. Ironically, at the same time Kaine was quite happy to use large numbers of non-humans in his Pentastar Patrol - as his High Human ways were largely a sham, he was pragmatic enough to use them to shore up his military. Ultimately, aside from dissident pirate groups, the Alignment was most at risk from internal threats. Differences between