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danielsu 10 mars 2018 à 10h43 
I am never wrong
PsychedelicToast 9 mars 2018 à 13h10 
by the great GOds he's right
danielsu 3 mars 2018 à 16h48 
These games offend The Lord

Angry Birds (gateway game to sex)
Call of Duty series - all (necrophilia simulator)
City of Heroes (socialism)
Counter Strike (encouraging school shootings)
Deadspace 2 (demon worship)
Diablo 3 (Satanism)
Dragon Age 2 (feminism)
Dungeon and Dragons Online (pederasty)
Fallout 3 (Violent content)
Guitar Hero (drug abuse)
HALO III (Islamofaschism)
LA Noire (mocks law enforcement)
LEGOs (Fascism)
League of Legends (bestiality)
Minecraft (child sex slavery)
Oblivion (polytheism)
Pokemon (gateway to self abuse)
Portal 3 (sodomy simulator)
Resident Evil series - all (Femnazi agenda)
Starcraft 2 (gays in the military)
Skyrim (Sadomarriage)
Sims 3 (occult)
Super Mario Brothers (gay cruising tool)
Team Fortress 2 (promoting gay marriage)
Tetris (anal sex simulator)