Hey there, this is one of my 3 accounts. I dont do a lot on this account so if you want to play some games or get to know me better, just add me on my official account: http://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198072291058/
-Ren_Yagami 14 października 2013 o 11:41 
Add this account i am Darkkiller1997 but my other account is hijacked if you want to play some games add this account
DarkKiller1997 (NL) 3 września 2012 o 6:41 
the account where i talk with now is my new account this account here is hijacked
richardrrs 8 sierpnia 2012 o 6:18 
weneer ben olaan
rob0t 5 sierpnia 2012 o 6:19 
trade you your vintage hat?
rob0t 5 sierpnia 2012 o 6:18 
i need your vintage hat :D
Scuvenger 29 lipca 2012 o 18:14 
hey dark buddy, pal hey everytime u send me a mesage to take to me it said ur offline for me so if u would clindly do something about that then we can take at any time ok thx for ur time