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104.8 hrs on record
Good Game, but too long.

really liked the game and the different scenarios to getting your goals done, not only through tuition and rent. The fields of studies were pretty funny and silly as expected in a two point game. Same goes for the announcement and commercials that play during the game.

the controls and camera handling is pretty intuitive if you have played similiar games.

In order not to dump too much on the game, id rather call it suggestions for a better experience:

-mods only through ingame hub, that didnt work half of time, just use steam workshop
-game was too long and dragged out at times, especially given mechanics and win options. Too many times your goal for the 3 Star Rating was getting a certain number of graduants with a certain grade. In the last mission i need 100 A+ Students to graduate, and yeah i got 99 no kidding, so i had to sit through one more year of doing nothing cause i already had all the other goals achieved, and i am not the "i am gotta create a nice looking park meanwhile". It would be nice to have a certain way to shortcut that by making people graduate earlier. Also they should have come up with more goals that are different from get that much money/get this many graduats or the worst get this amount of attractivness. Go for something like: Super room - get a room to prestige level 15, or train a certain employee in a certain skill to the max.
-different studies didnt matter really outside of their mission, most of the time you had no incentive to go for the special courses cause they require a lot of extra rooms and dont give any benefits. How about making the cooking course enabling fullfillment of all students without the need for food stands etc.
- too much micro management, how about towards the end of the game you unlock certain room designs that come with a certain prestige and inventory, plastering posters and carpets everywhere for the attractivness score is no fun. In the end i just copied my old rooms cause i couldnt be bothered to custom fit them for the occasion.
- automated training of staff would have been good or the option of them just doing training in a random field
- game was too easy, yeah i am not one advocating for somebody to ragequit out of frustration. The hardest part was always the start ending up me sometimes having all loans taken, but paying them off was no problem and after certain stage the game was just coasting cause no real bad events happened that couldnt be solved by time or money. So maybe they should have added stuff like student protests, student groups fighting each other, striking personel, earthquakes destroying buildings or you having to swap your courses completly cause some event occured.
- many feature pointless: staff happiness (didnt give anyone a raise ever, no problem), seperation of libary/dorms for different student groups, marketing (most of the time didnt even build it)

just my two point cents, maybe stuff got added in dlcs, but i doubt it.
Posted 1 January, 2024.
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9.2 hrs on record
Game was pretty good until i got to a point where my quest progress didnt register and I couldnt continue the main story, cause i didnt notice that i already just did a bunch of other things around the area and other side quests.

Now everyone tells me that i needed to have save games ready for that case and have to start the game over again, no thanks. Get your ♥♥♥♥ together as a developer, if you cant fix your bugs, at least have a workaround ready.

Not gonna restart the game just to stumble into the next unlucky bug.
Posted 25 September, 2023.
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18.1 hrs on record
Great game, just shows you what war is like when you are in the middle of it, everyone is out for themselves and humanity becomes a debatable factor. Go Ukraine!
Posted 26 February, 2022.
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135.7 hrs on record (88.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Really enjoyable game, dont think this turn based, rogue like rpg is something that was done before that often.
I think the game is pretty intuitive, but can be tough once you reach the later days or higher Apocalypse Ranks, for me its just the right balance between difficulty and reward.

The graphic is retro style which ofc is not everyone cup of tea, but it feels fitting for this game. Think it would be a nice touch that the heros you get at random all come with a bit of personality, so you grow attached to them for that run and dont feel like shrugging when one of them bites the dust.

What the game needs to make it really good is maybe a bunch of maps that maybe provide different levels of terrain and gimmicks like a set up catapult, or a "nuke" that gets rid of all undead but its only usable once. Also the perkz should enable a more versatile game style, sure there will always be cookie cutter builds, but some talents are just so useless that i cant see a situation where anyone would pick it (Potion throw?? Or punching poison damage). Generally the scrolls or potions are pretty much useless at the moment and not worth the scarce money you have.

Overall a pretty enjoyable game with a load of potential of the devolopers dont drop the ball.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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1.6 hrs on record
Sorry i am just too bad at this game, its just frustrating beyond acceptable levels at some points. I dont mind dying a couple of times in platformers like Ori, but when i die like 20 times at the start of the 3rd level its too much. Just before that sequence you had two safe points almost next to each other. At the sequence you have to deal with an endless sequence of moving petals, steep round tree logs and treshing tentacles, some water monsters and a lot of collectibles that require you to put yourself in more danger. Combine that with the oversensitive controls that will have you easy roll off a ledge and then you dont even give me a frigging safe point after i manage a tough part, i have to deal with more possible ways to die and start ALL OVER AGAIN. Sry not wasting my time with this, maybe someone enjoys the challenge but this feels more like a blunder and bad design, up to this point it was sometimes hard but managable.
If this already bad at Chapter 3, i dont wanna know what happends in late game whent its supposed to be hard.
Maybe its easier with a game pad, but if you got none it seems you are out of luck
Posted 30 May, 2021.
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0.9 hrs on record
Just as stupid as expected, if you like random humor, this is the right game for you. Alone worth it for all the stupid insects and star fish.
Posted 15 May, 2021.
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117.5 hrs on record (114.0 hrs at review time)
I am a big fan of Super Giant Games and really loved all their games to death, so ofc i was psyched when i stumbled upon their newest project. This time its a rogue like game set in ancient greek mythology. The game is pretty straight forward but if you want to master it you gotta put a lot of time into it cause you need a lot of rescources to gain all the goodies.

They also did a good job transitioning from early access to "normal" game mode, adding a lot of stuff and turning a good game into a great game cause now you can finish the story properly.

Music didnt grip me as it did in the other games, maybe its cause its not that embedded in the story it feels like, or maybe its the music in itself thats not so engaging.

The art style is unique but still has the typical Super Giant Games look to it. Lots of rooms for fan art etc.

The biggest plus for me is the different characters and their quirks and traits, cause all the gods, heroes or demi gods are really well flashed out and relatable and you get surprised with new dialog or interactions that further these character debths.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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32.9 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty good! But....

Dunno what i expected after classic memes like "I'd hit that" to "You are not just a clown, you are the whole circus" somewhat i got what i wanted cause i just laugh my ass of anytime i scream "Objection" and i like the different cases and whole court appeal. But i wish the game would be a bit more realistic at least in terms of the Judge or general Court rules.

-So far i have yet to see any of the culprits being called to testify
-the judge solely bases his death sentences (!) on single witnesses saying "this guy did it"
-the motive almost never plays a role so far, nobody questions whats the reasoning behind killing somebody, its more like he was nearby, so he most have done it
- even heavy contradictions in witness testemoney only earns a shrug and the court acts like nothing has happened and accepts it ( did i say left ? i mean right ofc!)
- Spoiler: In the second chapter when all of a sudden you yourself become the main suspect and everything they hammered home why it only can be maya is forgotten and disregarded and the faulty witness is forgotten as well

dont get my wrong the game is pretty funny and the different chapters are interesting, but sometimes its hard to follow the game logic as what it is that the clue you have to present. Spoiler: For example in the 4th chapter you get the information that a witness heard two shots, but you also got the information that the weapon fired 3 times, but the victim only had one deadly wound. So my thinking was this is suspicious and i wasted a lot of points of trying that out but it seems it wasnt anything relevant at all. Same for the supposed foto that got made with the camera when a shot occured i thought there must be a second photo then, but objections lead nowhere as well, only later when the game is fine giving you that foto.
Wish there were multiple ways to get to the solution or the process going. Sometimes it feels like i am poking around in the fog hoping for the right solution by chance.
Posted 27 June, 2020.
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6.5 hrs on record
I would like to recommend this game on discount like i bought it. I did expect more of a kind of adventure or action rpg not sure why. But i wasnt too disappointed when it turned out to be a parcour fps game in the end. I wish there was a bit more nuance to the voting when writing a preview cause this game would have needed one. As overall i am not disappoint by the game but there are several things that were either missing or could have been done better.

- good graphics for the time it was published (around 2010)
- nice flow if you find a good path that gets your speed going
- not too easy, even when using the hint to the next objective often
- female bad ass lead character (nice for a change)
- interface simple and controls are sufficent for most stuff ingame
- hints and runners vision help a lot

- combat, i really wish you could completly skip the fighting part. But if you dont want to overly frustrate yourself you have to fight at some points in the game. Faith just isnt made for fighting full armor riot cops, so it kinda seems dumb when she swing bare handed at a full gear cop shooting her with a mp. The jump kicks dont do much and neve will knock out someone instant, same goes for the slide kicks. The whole thing feels so clunky and would be impossible to do if not for her amazing self healing powers so i took one cop out and hide around the corner waiting to heal back up. The fights could have been so much better if you could fully avoid them (sneaky beaky like) or just combine it with some form of martial arts like matrix or other games have shown.

- pathing, the game flow seldom felt like a smooth parcours like to me. Maybe its better when you know the levels in and out but when a game fails on one of its core mechanics it sucks. The rooftop chases and runs are usually done better but as soon as you enter a building it turned into a wild guessing game. Sometimes i just jumped every wall and rail to look if it would net me some kind of clue where to go next, this was a really bad break of the flow for me. Even f'---- mario can do better wall jumps than this girl. Things get worse when you are presented with a room full of policemen shooting at you while you are ducking behind a van and try to figure out how to reach that vent up above. So i multiple times tried different paths just to get gunned down. In the end i had to clear the room (again with lame clunky fighting) just to have a moment to think about the layout. This whole thing could have been done so much better, if the developers want to make us believe that every building is filled with vents, pipes and edges to dangle on, why not take it a step further and make all the surrounding climbable or able to interact with.

- story/atmosphere, story could have used a bit more pep apart from the standard ways. You are trying to survive in an authotarian city but barely feel the threat. Why not run through a crowd of people? Why are all the building empty but these obnixious cops? How do the cops always find you even if you escaped through different vents and underground facilities, as soon as you pop up, they are already waiting, is this girl wired? This was the biggest let down for me, a bit more life a bit more people and interaction. The only other persons apart from cops apear in cut scenes. Just take a hint out of Assasins Creed, disappear in a crowd, police will just notice you if you behave suspiciously.

Just to get this clear, the game was ok, and worth the discounted price, but overall i never got too engaged with it as the cons are just too glaring and i hate when i play something and feel like dumb kid standing around with question marks all over my head. The game should almost never force you to do that. Its a different thing to repeat a sequence over and over again cause you know what went wrong, but this games lets you repeat some parts again and again not even knowing IF you are doing the right thing in the first place.
Posted 19 March, 2016.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries