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2 people found this review helpful
126.9 hrs on record (93.1 hrs at review time)
At the time of writing this review i just finished my first play through and have just started my second, 90 hours and Im pretty sure there is more to discover in the zone and different choices to make.

This game is fantastic and you can really tell it was a dedicated and passionate team that worked very hard on it

dripping with quality and thought provoking dialogue coupled with some really REALLLLY good gun play and this game is easily Game of the year for me
Posted 9 December, 2024.
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2.0 hrs on record
TL;DR: A short but well made game about a serial killer with a sniper rifle and the detective trying to catch him

The game is only about 2 hours long but it is dripping with quality, the game is surreal, creepy and for the length, well written. you play as the "sniper killer" a serial killer that may not be all they seem and the detective trying to catch them, the game isn't the prettiest, sporting a "90's vibe" like many horror games coming out lately, if you are looking for a horror experience, the majority of the games "horror charm" comes form the surreal nature of the game, there are jump scares but to be brutally honest they are cheap and frankly laughable, so if you are a fan of jump scares, this game isn't for you, but the atmosphere and the acting is wonderfully good for the narrative which is engaging the whole way through

id definitely say pick it up if you like something short, sweet, a little weird and creepy and to the point pick this game up
Posted 31 October, 2024.
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16.2 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
10/10 you can pet foxes
Posted 19 May, 2024.
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3.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
In its current state its fun but i cant recommend it.
the game is a little clunky, and feels like certain features are missing or not done yet.

Sometimes missions (which generate now and then) cannot be completed as people don't live in the house you are supposed to send an interpreter to, there's no way to automate the distribution of aid to a town(at least not more than one house at a time), social constructions that you set up need supplying constantly but burn through those supplies at a rate far quicker than you can supply, often needing to send more than one 2.5T trucks a day

The combat is also not very interesting, The game claims that the enemy gets smarter/more devious as the game progresses but considering the first two hours were just my guys set up at a T junction and mowing down all the groups that randomly patrolled into view Im not sold on it

The game isnt a total write off though, i do see potential in the sandbox nature of the game and with a few QOL changes and some more complex AI i can see some real fun to be had here,
as of right now though its simply passable
Posted 16 January, 2024.
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56.5 hrs on record
TL;DR If you haven't played the previous games you will have fun but perhaps not appreciate some of the characters and content that appear from previous Games

Yakuza 5, it took roughly 56 hours for me to achieve 24% completion (roughly 7% is the story), and you could easily do it in less by skipping some or all of the side stories. I didn't do all of them as the plot was far to good for me to resist consuming it all faster than an Addict in a room full of their favourite Vice. The Game continues on from the previous titles and several characters make a return in fantastic fashion.

The plot was pretty interesting, as with all the previous games its convoluted in a wonderful way, the world is so wacky at times that the plot doesn't seem that far fetched, but unlike the previous titles it kept the main antagonist and their machinations a secret till about 40 or so hours in and it hooked me good, i also enjoyed watching each of the stories come together and let me tell you, the payoff was sooooo worth it.
Posted 30 November, 2023.
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334.1 hrs on record (98.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
TL;DR: this game is a fantastic city builder with a soviet flair, that offers the additional challenge of needing to import various materials in order to build your city in addition to the standard, spend money build building

It Took me a long time to get to know how to play thins game, if you play the normal modes, then its just like any city builder, you spend money, and you get the building,

In this game however, i fell in love with the realistic mode, you have to import everything at the start, you have to import vehicles, construction materials and labour, even the food, clothing, electronics and meat for your stores, but slowly bit by bit you set up the infrastructure. Your pipes, your power lines, the heating. you build the areas that your citizens will use. Then and only then do you invite people to get your first citizens to populate your urban areas, now that you have labour and are importing the stuff to keep them comfortable, you need to work on exporting. once you are making money then its time to expand, get the materials to build without the need for imports, build your own power stations etc.

this game is a real joy when the goal is self sufficiency
Posted 7 May, 2023.
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8.4 hrs on record
Just got permanently Banned from the game after not having touched the game for 11 months...What? Why? and how? worst part is the game was pretty fun. but it seems as though the devs have banned a whole bunch of people for no reason this January so it could be a bug? even so steer clear till they fix this
Posted 14 January, 2023.
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218.2 hrs on record (26.3 hrs at review time)
Brilliant detail and really fun game play
Posted 20 November, 2022.
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45.2 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
TL;DR Version: The game is Super cheap and mindlessly fun

I Bought this about a Day before another game that was more than ten times the price came out that i had been excited for for over a year, i played this for 6 hours. The next day i was playing the game i was excited for...i kept thinking about this game whilst playing it, if that doesn't sum it up nothing will
Posted 19 February, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
23.8 hrs on record (20.4 hrs at review time)
TL;DR: This is one of if not THE best star wars game ever made

I must have played this game countless times from my physical copy more than a decade ago, since then I've replayed this gem of a game several times on every difficulty and even dabbled in the multiplayer a little bit (although this games single player is the main draw for me) Simply put if you like Star Wars, First person Shooters, or games that get you invested in a group of characters don't bother reading any other reviews and just buy it, for less than £10 its a STEAL
Posted 18 July, 2021.
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