matthew meissner   United States
Writing about my self reminds me of trying to come up with how to start essays for school; I think about a certain Spongebob episode often when I am figuring out what to write; It was the one where Spongebob had written down "The" intially and spent the majority of the afternoon and night procrastinating, having trouble figuring out what to write about what you shouldn't do while driving a boat and then panicking as he was watching the time go by while he only had till the time he had to go to class the next day to finish the assignment. He eventually came up with something and wrote whatever came to mind for what not to do while boating and when he got to class his teacher miss Puff said that she cancelled the assignment. Me typing this story is probably my equivilant of Spongebob's "The" but I do enjoy the episode.
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