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Santo 7 mar, 2019 @ 22:26 
Daddy 👨 touches ✋ my 👧 thicc ass 🍑

He 👨 tells 🗣️ me 👧 I'm a pretty 👸 lass

Puts his penis 🍆 in ➡️🍑⬅️ my butt 🤤😫😥

Oh my god ➕, I'm such a slut! 💃💦

Mommy 👩 sees 👀😲 us, and she's mad 😡😠😤

"I'm sorry 😓😔hun, the sex 🍑🍆💦 was bad!" 👎🔚

Mommy pulls out ⬆️ guns 🔫 akimbo 🔫👩🔫

Because she hates 😲😠 her little bimbo 👧

The Cummies 💦 are dripping ⬇️💧from my hole 🍑

I can't 🙅 stop working 😩😫💪 on Daddy's 👨 pole 💈😫

Mommy 👩 shoots 🔫, her shots all miss 😂

Daddy 👨 and I 👩 share a special ☄️ kiss 💋

One ☝️ round left 👈, Mommy 👩 takes the gun 🔫

She rests 💤 the barrel 🛢️ on her tongue 👅

"Goodbye 👋 world 🌍, and goodbye 👋 cheater! 👨
Santo 14 apr, 2018 @ 7:46 
♥♥♥♥♥ 🍆 are so 💪 cute omg(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ when 💯 you 💦 hold one ☝ in 🎮🔚 your 👏 hand and it 💯 starts 🕹 twitching ↕↕ its 😫🌏 like its 😫👇 nuzzling 😊😊 you(/ω\) 🤖 or 😫💰 when ⏱👌 they 🙎👥 perk up and look at you 😜 like" owo 😺 nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun 🍆 is 🚟🔥 happy 😄🦃 to 🅱 see 🗣👁 me!!(^ワ^) 😍💦 and 🍆🏻 the ➡ most 💯 adorable 🌹🌹 thing ⛄ ever 😱😆 is 🏳 when sperm-sama 💦 comes out 🚪😬 but 😈 theyre 🙇♀ rlly shy so u 🔪 have 👏⚠ to 👂 work 🏚♿ hard!!(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ but 🌸 when 🕙🍑 penis-kun 🍆 and sperm-sama meet and 🏽 theyre ♀ blushing ☺☺ and 👏👆 all like "uwaaa~!" (ノ´ヮ´)ノ: ・゚hehehe~penis-kun is 🅰😬 so adorable 🌹🌹 (●´Д`●)・
Santo 30 mar, 2018 @ 1:43 
Is 😞Being 😱a guy 👨gay? 😳 Because 😗you're 👇literally 🙌Inside 🌚of a man's 👨body 🍆👅 and 😂 that sounds 🙉pretty ✨♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gay 😤to me👋 ☕
184letsburnitdown 29 mar, 2018 @ 17:24 
I love you so much
Santo 21 mar, 2018 @ 6:03 
ahoy there😏 fellow sex👉🏿👌🏼💦 havers🖖 i have arrived🙌😎 please remain seated💺 you've probably heard many a story📔 🗣 from my sexual🍆💦 escapades of days📆 gone by👀🔥 now as a hardened 💉😫 veteran🕵🏻 i can share to you👉 my number one👆👦🏻 most reliable trick🔑🔑 that will guarantee👌🏼 you some anus🍑😩👈 yes💫🙈 some of you have guessed🤔 already😃 ladies and gentlemen👨🏿👩🏻 i give you🤔🤔🤔 the emoji❗️😂😭 one of the most powerful💪🏿 tools 🛠 to dig⛏ your ways into a womans🙎🏿 heart❤️❤️ or vaginal crevice😻 used since the stone age💀💀 it is absolutely the greatest☺️ gift that has been bestowed unto you👀 my brethren by our lord🙏🏼 cummybot🤖🤖❤️💦 use it to your gain💪🏿🔑 or suffer😧 in eternal celibacy😈
Santo 14 mar, 2018 @ 1:45 
i can 😜actually😜 get 🍑🍆laid 😂lol😝, ❌no❌ need for ⛓fetishes🔐. i can 📱text📲 literally any 😻furry😾 and be like💁‍♂️ "👋hey im a 😼dom 🐺wolf🐺 wanna ❤️come 😽over😽 n let me 😩stick😩 my 🍆penis🍆 in ur 🍑butt🍑" and ill be met with ⚡️thunderous🌩 👏applause👏 from the 🤜❤️entire community❤️🤛 because 😼doms😼are 💢super💢 rare☯️
im 😜like a 😎literal😎 thoroughbred 🐎race🏇 horse 🐎in this 🍑♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🍆 🏘community🏘, while you 👨🏿cucked👱🏻 ♥♥♥♥ ❌cant❌ even get a 👱🏻‍♀️girl👱🏼‍♀️ or 👱🏻guy👱🏼 to 🤧notice👎 you ❌without❌ 😏smirking😏 and 🗣telling🗣 their 👭friend👬 how much of a 🤡weirdo👹 you 😂are😂.