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16 av 59 (27%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

The beginning of the end

Zoë left Storytime and was reborn.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 3:30

The cold, cold sea

Kian escaped Friar's Keep and was reborn.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 5:10

Choice & consequence

Delivered the boyfriend's lunch.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 5:10


Completed work at the Pandemonium.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 5:39


Finished today's volunteer work.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 6:45


The Balance has been rattled.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 6:45

Paying respects

Arn Stont's message to his wife Gerdi was delivered.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 7:41

Honour & Humanity

Listen to the entire National Front speech by Onor Hileriss.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 7:41

The Test

Kian's first mission completed.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 7:54

Lost girls

Zoë completes Queenie's mission.
Upplåst 23 feb @ 12:14

Data decisions

But did you make the right decision?
Upplåst 23 feb @ 12:14

Stop the presses!

Zoë learns the truth from Sully.
Upplåst 27 feb @ 10:33

Wait, what?

Completed Book Two. Completely confused.
Upplåst 27 feb @ 10:39

The First Shift

Saga has left the House of All Worlds for the first time.
Upplåst 27 feb @ 11:24


You bonded with Enu.
Upplåst 27 feb @ 11:24

Let's Get Personal

Kian revealed personal information to one of the rebels.
Upplåst 27 feb @ 11:24


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