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Dwarven Anti-Environmentalist 8 берез. 2023 о 11:28 
Vel, vel, vel, hva har vi her? Ser ut som noen har et lite problem i deres "amongus" -region! Jeg mener, det er en ting å være en impostor i spillet, men når du begynner å få kløe og ender opp med et lilla skritt, da vet du at det er på tide å ta grep!

Nå, la oss ta en titt på problemet ditt her. Kløe i balle- og rompeområdet kan skyldes alt fra dårlig hygiene til irritasjon fra klær eller produkter du bruker. Og hvis hele området er lilla? Vel, jeg vil ikke kalle det "vanlig", men det kan være et tegn på et underliggende problem som krever umiddelbar oppmerksomhet!

Jeg vil anbefale at du tar en tur til legen din for en sjekk. De vil kunne gi deg en grundig vurdering og anbefale passende behandlinger. Og i mellomtiden, prøv å holde deg unna kløende klær og produkter, og sørg for å holde det berørte området rent og tørt. Og vær så snill, ikke fortell meg hva slags "impostors" som kan ha funnet veien inn i ditt "amongus" -område!
Dwarven Anti-Environmentalist 13 лют. 2023 о 11:25 
++rep fast trade!
Dwarven Anti-Environmentalist 7 трав. 2021 о 4:37 
When suddenly, a huge creature the size of two moons swept the yacht down under. Yet one frat-pisser remained. In the ocean, his friends and daddys yacht now gone.
Now crying and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, polluting the ocean with his stench.
We whipped out our mighty ♥♥♥♥♥ and, with no hesitation, pissed with full force straight into the gob of the sea-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't speak, he could only drown and gargle on our salty piss, saltier than any oceans. But not because of the ocean, because of our mighty piss stream.

At last, we found our leviathan. Oh what a powerful sight. A mighty and powerful creature it was, the beautiful king of the depths. Such a creature is not an enemy of man, it's our greatest friend and ally. We sunk the true enemy of man that day, long live Sea king.
Dwarven Anti-Environmentalist 7 трав. 2021 о 4:35 
Dude, i was having the weirdest dream ever last night
Me and you were fishermen somewhere out there in the big blue, searching far and wide for the holy grail. Quiet day, skies blue, not even the slightest ripple could be felt. The water, as still as glass, perfectly mirroring the beautiful skies above us.
We were floating, not only on water, but on skies. Floating on our hopes and dreams.

When suddenly, some pastel shorts wearing, white shirt struttin' jackass named Tanner Bryce &co decided to "Roll up" on us with his dads Motor Yacht. His "Friends", equally as repulsive. Shrieking their weird "Sheeshes", "Susses" and "Bussin bussin"s all whilst acting out the most peculiar of hand movements and odd "Dances", always accompanied by one of the other smartphone-filming vermin.

"Yoo we straight up boolin out here in the middle of the atlantic, you already know the vibe out here huh, what's poppin Goobs, what're you two pissboys doing out here huh? You two's acting sus AF bro."
Dwarven Anti-Environmentalist 9 квіт. 2021 о 15:29 
Dwarven Anti-Environmentalist 9 квіт. 2021 о 15:28 
Good guy, great trades.

Sucks at college ball however. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, i remember back in 08, at the uni state level championship. This freaking guy kept on loosing the pigskin, lost grip several times. Guy can't dodge for ♥♥♥♥. Nice build though, ok kicker, i'll give him that.
Nice BALLS too.
I'm so tired of these Euros thinking they're hot ♥♥♥♥, go back to your freaking RONALDINHO SOCCER.
Us Anglo-Americans are BUILT DIFFERNT.
We ALPHA BABY. All carnivore diet BABY, intermittent fasting, wake up at 2AM, NO CARDIO BABY. I'm a MAN, a true ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CHAMP.