Nkz waH.Axs kxi tr ii.U tx xn.tN
³ = ∑_x ψ(x)|x⟩ ∑_x+ψ(x)|x,↑⟩ + ψ-(x)|x,↓?   Canada
[:lockpick::Keys:]__Creator ov Classified Advertising Ðevs.__ [:Keys::lockpick:]

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:atomic::atomic::atomic::Keys: Need Job? Then Join Classified Advertising Devs.
Classified Advertising Group - กลุ่มสาธารณะ
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Takes two elements (represented by Hydrogen and Carbon) Then fuses them into the atom with atomic number matching the sum of the Protons (in this case, Nitrogen).
Takes one element (represented by the Nitrogen atom) And divides it into atoms (Hydrogen and Carbon). The Law of conservations must be followed or it your doom. Don't try to divide Oxygen into two elements whose atomic numbers add up to a number greater than the center element. If there are any extra Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, They will be sent safely outside the glyph so no unwanted elements are mixed in the transmutation. You can also use the extras in other glyphs if it is needed.:lockpick:
The Grand Masquerade (Gravitation of the Coming Forces)

How can Science presume to know anything certain of it?How can it maintain its position and its hypotheses against those of the Occultists, who see in gravity only sympathy and antipathy, or attraction and repulsion, caused by physical polarity on our terrestrial plane, and by spiritual causes outside of its influence?How can they disagree with the Occultists before they agree among themselves? Indeed one hears of the conservation of energy, and in the same breath of the perfect hardness and inelasticity of the atoms; of the Kinetic theory of gases being identical with potential energy, and at the same time, of the elementary units of mass being absolutely hard and inelastic!
Technology/Science (You have been warned)

The Cult is a teaching, it's a language, and it must be translated when nations has lost its meaning. We translated and not destroyed the Cult of Moses and the Prophets.By worshiping God in the Creation, we do not worship the Creation itself.By worshiping God in Jesus Christ, it is God alone that we worship, but God united to humanity.By making the humanity divine,Christianity has revealed the human divinity.The God of the Jews was inhuman, because they did not understand him in his works. We are therefore more Israelite than the Israelites themselves.Muslims are the bastards of Israel or rather the disinherited brothers, like Esau.Their beliefs are illogical, because they recognize that Jesus is a great prophet, but they treat Christians as infidels.They acknowledge the divine inspirations of Moses but they do not see Jews as brothers.They blindly believe in their blinded prophet Muhammad The Fatalistic,The enemy of progress and freedom.We found in the Koran pure and sublime arts,And we do not remove to Muhammad the glory of God united among the Arabs.But there are three thrones in heaven for the three prophets of the nations and at the end of time,Muhammad will be replaced by Elijah.We must not refute the Turks and the Arabs, they must be instructed and civilized.Like them, we come from Egypt and we hate slavery.But we entered in the Promised Land, and they insist to stay and die in the desert.
Faith / Religions (Worship of God’s Spirit)
The sins of Islam are as worthless as the dust of Christianity.On the day of resurrection both Muhammadans and Christians will see the vanity of their religious doctrines.Changing your world by joining another subculture won't solve your Disorientation but apparently for some, the subculture is an exit door where we can hide when everything goes wrong.
Gold (You are the Taurus, Kali Yuga)

We all have a dominant fault which is, for our Soul,The umbilicus of his sinful birth, and that's where the enemy can always come to take us:Vanity for some,Laziness for others,Selfishness for many.It only takes one evil and smart mind to seize this, and you'll be lost.You then become not crazy, not stupid, but positively alienated, in every sense of that expression,Which mean;Submitted to a foreign impulse.In this state, you have an instinctive horror of anything that would bring you back to the reason,And you will not even want to hear representations contrary to your madness.This is one of the most dangerous diseases that can affect the human mind.
The Three Gods. (Division of the Unity).
Those who know where we are∇seems to have forgotten as the profane the two first phases ofThe Great Work.And it is obvious that they don't understand the following one. :lockpick::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys:∶ ⊞ ∶∛Qmπ=y(2pwr4)*5³)-2 Dm ∶ ⊞ ∶:Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::lockpick:

x+y√64π = 3yπ>Q.Q .......................................................Psyche:lampoff:......................
x(√y+3π64+1)-Q ......................................Keep:rosebud: ................................Error32:Keys:
(9,000,000x(√o-o,).. . .-.. . -.-. - .-. --- -- .- --. -. . - .. -.-. ...Interface:wizard: ....................
(xpwr16)-96π=o-o,.............................Gold:evilsword::punch: .............................Exodus32:Keys:
x(x²+y)9- .............................................................Locked:lockpick:..................

Ruses of War Captain! I reached the first phase of the Black Work!The Public says you make Gold, Is that True!? No and You? I studied metals, observed the Stars,I analyzed the interior of the body, But, I do not make Gold, Haha. :evilsword:And I no longer heal people:evilsword:
Nec certam sedem, nec propriam faciem1
Nec munus ullum peculiare tibi dedimus
o Adam,Ut quam sedem, quam faciem
Quae munera tute optaveris,ea, pro voto
Pro tua sententia, habeas et possideas.
Definita ceteris natura intra praescriptas a nobis leges coercetur8
Tu, nullis angustiis coercitus, pro tuo arbitrio
In cuius manu te posui, tibi illam praefinies
Medium te mundi posui
Ut circumspiceres inde commodius quicquid est in mundo
Nec te caelestem neque terrenum
Neque mortalem neque immortalem fecimus
Ut tui ipsius quasi arbitrarius honorariusque plastes et fictor
In quam malueris tute formam effïngas
:Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::Keys::lampoff:Min' tu istud ais?:lampoff::Keys::Keys:Spell125:Keys::Keys:∴³ Is My Name:Keys:
290 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 5 พ.ย. 2017
3.6 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 3 พ.ย. 2017
41 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 24 ต.ค. 2017
Sandman 20 ธ.ค. 2014 @ 1: 08pm 
great and friendly trader.+rep
Lonewolf13727 21 พ.ย. 2014 @ 12: 47am 
+rep fine trader:roar::dsham:
Shinoobi 19 พ.ย. 2014 @ 4: 08pm 
Thanks again for adding me and for the game. +rep for overall nice guy =) :approved:
Coelho 19 พ.ย. 2014 @ 12: 45pm 
+Rep, Great Trader.
Crixus 18 พ.ย. 2014 @ 6: 50pm 
+rep, excellent trader.
heteindetheendfinsafi 18 พ.ย. 2014 @ 5: 17pm 
+rep,fair & quick trade :FFXIIImog: