Knox 27 czerwca 2012 o 22:57 
DUDE hit me up nest time your on xDDDD
Knox 16 czerwca 2012 o 11:37 
Infore me on name changes xD I didnt know it was you mate, ive been meaning to hit ya uup xD
Erza Scarlet 27 stycznia 2011 o 17:47 
hey greg im sorry i havent been online mate its just im playin xbox a lot more but ill play the 10 bucks for the server
Tacitus Kilgore 16 stycznia 2011 o 23:36 
kewl.. nice picture man
Prussian Devil 6 stycznia 2011 o 23:02 
My new avatar is the flag of my ancestor's native country, Prussia. I hope you like it :)
CareBear 29 sierpnia 2010 o 0:35 
Knox 20 czerwca 2010 o 4:22 
Yeah no problem man
Knox 20 czerwca 2010 o 1:01 
I posted an announcement saying we were discussing it and will keep them updated :)
Knox 20 czerwca 2010 o 0:54 
That shoulsn't be too much of a problem... We just post an event in the group thing letting everyoine know that were planning on making something and we'll keep 'em updated :)
Knox 18 czerwca 2010 o 1:28 
Hey man I'm thinking we could setup a game where we could try to get like 5 or 6 people on at once and just own!!! Of course considering the time differences it would take some planning... Any input?
Knox 26 maja 2010 o 2:02 
I keep missing you man let me know when your on we'll play a game or 2
Mr CHOW 6 maja 2010 o 23:26 
Erza Scarlet 10 kwietnia 2010 o 21:12 
hey when you going to be on
Knox 21 marca 2010 o 23:00 
Dude it's jake I'm back man send me a message
^2[RAAR]^3James-^0mods 30 stycznia 2010 o 3:04 
^2[RAAR]^3James-^0mods 30 stycznia 2010 o 3:03 
yetti invite to group please