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“When your Gov't is discouraging debate, telling you they are censoring to protect you, that it is dangerous to do your own research and that a segment of your society is unclean and needs to be separated. It might be time to start asking yourself some questions” - Black in the Empire

“The elites watch people die every day from lack of healthcare, homelessness, crime, drugs, etc. Every single day. For decades. Dont even blink an eye. And now they want you to think they care deeply about people dying from a <1% fatality rate flu. Thats the real joke of it all.” - Class Redux Killa

“The pandemic response unfolding according to the logics of the product cycle and the attention economy. A constant exchange of obsolescent beliefs and practices for new, ever-more extreme replacements. The whole system motivated by an insatiable set of desires.” - Christopher Lasch’s Angry Ghost

“This computer model that I made says the world is going to end if you don't give me trillions of dollars and unlimited political power” - Maarek

“At the heart of our predicament lies the ruthless evolutionary logic of a socioeconomic system that, to survive, is ready to sacrifice its democratic framework and embrace a monetary regime supported by corporate-owned science & technology, media propaganda, and disaster narratives accompanied by nauseating pseudo-humanitarian philanthro-capitalism.” - Fabio Vighi

“Since the global governing class has no substantive vision of the future, it shouldn’t really surprise us that it has converged around the indefinite postponement and attenuation of what people find enjoyable in life for the sake of a futile, destructive pantomime of governance.” - Geoff Shullenberger

“We should have a ceremony to celebrate closing pubs permanently. Like cutting a ribbon. Maybe a minor royal putting a big colourful lock on the front door. Socially distanced, of course.” - Tim Chapman

“America’s culture of selfish individualism is causing people to do things like seek out each other’s company.” - David M

“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.” - Albert Camus

“people love saying stuff like "puts vulnerable people at risk of harm" when arguing in favor of a global prison state” - Oedipa Maas

“First children were taken out of school and told they were killing grandma just by breathing. Now they wear masks all day while elites go maskless at huge events. Soon 5-11 year olds will have to get injections to appease fearful adults. These kids should never, ever forgive us.” - Alex Gutentag

“The least resilient adults in all of history keep telling us that children are resilient.” - Michael P Senger

“Yes your personal cowardice and fear of social reprisal is part of the problem. Take the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless mask off and breathe easy.” - Adam Lehrer

“Anyone still sustaining the atmosphere of hysteria either has a direct financial stake in it continuing, a cynical political objective or is just a straight up psychopath who enjoys the fear and loves inducing it in others.” - Alexander McKay

“Oh no Justin Trudeau called me racist and misogynistic for declining his ♥♥♥♥♥♥ vaccine im so sad” – Leila Mechoui

“As a revolutionary socialist I'd like to inform you any negative aspersions cast upon our comrades at Pfizer or Blackrock are a far right fascist conspiracy." - Geofredo

“The failure of so many communists/self-proclaimed Marxists on this site to see Covid as what it is—an engineered ‘pandemic’ and an excuse for monopoly capital to shift gears towards next-level neoliberalism (i.e. surveillance capitalism: fascism)—is, frankly, very disappointing.” - AthinaRedGirl

“If the actions taken with respect to meeting a stated goal seem disproportionate and nonsensical, perhaps consider that they may be essential and coherent with respect to meeting one unstated.” - Jeff Wells

"people will give up their privacy in exchange for healthcare and maybe in many places they won't have a choice. They won't even get insurance if they're unwilling to give access to what is happening inside their bodies." - “Will the Future Be Human?”, Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum Meeting 2018

“I suspect 'conspiracy theory' is going to refer increasingly to any viewpoint that assigns conscious human intention to the behaviour of institutions- you will be encouraged to understand yourself as nested within an environment of 'driverless' organic processes” - Yeerk P.

“The amount of psychological terror & propaganda needed to make entire swaths of society just completely forget that the vaccine does not prevent transmission is an enormous public relations feat that could make Bernays drool in jealousy.” - Jeremy Loffredo

“Develop virus. Market cure. Exploit the panic.” - Jaz Coleman, conspiracy theorist, Killing Joke songwriter, 2010

“We need to be... more scary to the public... If you don't get vaccinated, you know you're going to die. Let’s just be really blunt to these people.” - American public health official, 2021

“We’ve just confirmed the first death in the United States due to the omnicron variant in Texas” - Commercial news anchor practicing responsible journalism

“We can’t confirm that the patient died from COVID” - Texas public health official promoting dangerous misinformation

“If you have a very high percentage of people vaccinated, you’re not going to see a substantial blip – you may see a little bit, not anything that even resembles a surge” - Dr Anthony Fauci

“Authority is supposedly grounded in wisdom, but I could see from a very early age that authority was only a system of control and it didn't have any inherent wisdom” - Joe Strummer
Kachow! 15 Jan, 2022 @ 7:26pm 
Joe Rogan is an American stand-up comedian, TV personality, and podcast host. He has a popular show called Joe Rogan Experience.

In this episode, Joe discusses the joys of winning 10 minutes indoors with a bran muffin.

He talks about how he likes to eat a bran muffin when he gets home from work because it gives him 10 minutes of peace and quiet where he can just be himself and not have to worry about anything else.
Pan 2 May, 2018 @ 5:17pm 
Experts say that most people discard 15% of their personal hygiene products because they can’t get the last bits out of the containers. Toothpaste is no exception. Anyone who has brushed their teeth has likely struggled to get the last bit from the tube. Fortunately, there are a few simple methods to make this process easy: Example A) Get some scissors. Another simple method for getting all of toothpaste out of the tube involves cutting the package open. For this, you'll need a pair of sharp scissors. A knife, box-cutter, or other instrument is not recommended, since it could slip and cut your hand.
Kachow! 24 Feb, 2018 @ 5:03pm 
If you are too lazy to do your laundry everyday - no hassles! Make sure that you have at least 10 pairs of socks for each day of the week, plus extras for sports and outings. That way you can be sure that you won’t end up wearing smelly socks just because you have run out of clean ones!
Kachow! 23 Nov, 2017 @ 9:02am 
Hi this is Larry from HR. We've received a complaint that you've been involved with inappropriate Yodeling at work.
Kachow! 14 Sep, 2017 @ 8:57am 
"GET THE PAN" - PBU, 2017.
Pan 6 Nov, 2016 @ 10:45pm 
"GET THE MEI" - PBU, 2016.