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投稿日: 9月5日 16時27分

The "Intended gameplay experience" is an accurate representation of playing Warhammer while your opponent has loaded dice. Gaunt swarms will rip apart your armor in less than a second and tear your health apart just as quick, while your melee weapon doesn't do near enough damage to recoup the loss with their bloodborne-esque rally system. Warriors rarely stagger in melee, even when you use heavy attacks, allowing them to hit back or just shoot you in the face with impunity. Lack of control over health recovery is a serious issue: in the first Space Marine, where you can utilize heavy attacks to stun and execute enemies when you needed to, it lead to engaging gameplay decisions, Gretchin didn't even need to be staggered, you could just punch them in to bloody mist if they were ever close. Here, Gaunts *might* get staggered or marked for a follow up pistol shot (which, admittedly, feels good to execute), or they *might* do a Parryable attack that you can counter, which allows you to regain a single pip of armor. Already at full armor? nothing.

You have your rage mode to regen health, but it still doesn't provide enough of a boost to allow you to turn dire threats in to close victories, and it takes an eternity to recharge.

To make matters worse, weapons deal extremely little damage. Warriors sometimes taking 3-4 melta blasts at point blank to even become executable, let alone killed. The Bolt Sniper Rifle needs 4+ Headshots to kill a Warrior. You can dump ridiculous amounts of Plasma in to a Zoanthrope and have no idea if the thing is even taking damage.

The game will task you with standing in a zone to capture it, with 0 cover, and spawn wave after wave of ranged enemies from all sides leaving you to get torn apart in the crossfire or abandon the objective, making it take longer and allowing more enemies to spawn.

when I played Space Marine 1 and died, I feel like I could identify what I did wrong, make adjustments, and overcome the challenge. When I play Space Marine 2, I don't feel like that. The game does not feel fair, and the game just rubs salt in the wound by placing extra medicae pickups at the respawn point.
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