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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
101.0 giờ được ghi nhận (81.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)

P.s #♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Đăng ngày 23 Tháng 01, 2016.
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39.0 giờ được ghi nhận (35.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Probably the perfect game. Super Hexagon is completely utilitarian and successful in every aspect of its design, with every small element contributes something, creating a ludic tapestry so intricate to remove the most insignificant part of it would destroy the game's beauty. It's a video game's videogame, boiling down the meat of its gameplay into the most simple abstraction of what a video game is (moving a shape around other shapes on a screen) and subsequently mastering that formula. Music is dank as well.
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 12, 2015. Sửa lần cuối vào 5 Tháng 12, 2015.
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5.7 giờ được ghi nhận
A solid platformer with an even better soundtrack wrapped up in a brilliant story laced with wit and told with a childlike innocence while dealing with heavy themes.

This is a game about humanity's base desire for companionship, about finding our purpose and individuality and how others can help us find it. The characters (all AI) are fully formed, all sympathetic and multifaceted; they just happen to all be quadrilaterals. To some extent, this game is about watching them grow, almost like children. They begin finding out more about the world around them, later meeting others who are like them, discovering their unique nature and the fact that they all want to change the world for the better. Yet, before all this comes one thing: the aching need for someone else, as demonstrated by the game's titular first words from the narrator: "Thomas was alone."

The fact that all this is accomplished with nothing but shapes on a screen and the words of a narrator is the real joy of this game. Thomas Was Alone is a perfect example of how interactive experiences (otherwise known as video games) can connect with people when using so little.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 08, 2015.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
17.4 giờ được ghi nhận (13.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Simply put, Project CARS is a beautiful looking driving sim that does its job as well as it should. The driving mechanics are stellar, as limited as my racing sim experience is, and although the number of cars is limited in comparison to CArs' console-exclusive competitors, each car feels different enough from the others so that driving a new one always feels like a learning experience. Lots of depth in the driving mechanics, good variety in the events you can drive in, and looks jizzingly brilliant. The only thing that really hinders it is a lack of soundtrack (although that can easily be fixed by spending half an hour creating a playlist on spotify) and a slightly barebones career mode. Good, if you want this sort of thing.
Đăng ngày 11 Tháng 07, 2015.
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149.1 giờ được ghi nhận (104.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The Witcher 3 is a monumental achievement from a mid-size developer who's previous games now feel like demos for this one.
Đăng ngày 11 Tháng 07, 2015.
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41.5 giờ được ghi nhận (40.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Enormously fun and surprisngly deep, co-op focused wave based survival with meaty gunplay*, an interesting variety of enemies and maps, cohesive progression, and a goofy, b-movie atmosphere which is reinforced by character skins, guns, classic b-movie horror type death metal, and the designs of the monsters themselves. PLUS HARRY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ENFIELD

Probably better than Left 4 Dead. In my opinion, anyway

There's a dosh-giving button




Đăng ngày 20 Tháng 02, 2015.
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12.8 giờ được ghi nhận
A classic adventure game. The world and story is brilliant: it's extremely original and abundantly witty and atmospheric. The characters are all great in their own right and the voice acting is spot-on. The music (which has been re-recorded with an orchestra, I believe) is near perfect. I also really liked the choice of camera angles, although movement around some of the environments was tricky at times (looking at you, final level).

The puzzles are outdated, though, and as someone who has never played old adventure games before, the solutions made me think the game was designed by a crazy person. Eh, honestly I wanted to play this for the story in the first place, so I sinned and used a walkthrough. Honestly, it made the game much more enjoyable for me.

The remaster is pretty lukewarm: the game still only runs in 4:3 (I think this is because of the backgrounds), there's no autosaving and I think that maybe the clunky but stylish inventory system should've been overhauled. The models do look nice, though, and I don't think it's too much of a complaint when a game that was previously near impossible to get hold of and even more impossible to run is now available to everyone at a reasonable price.

So yeah, buy this game. Use a walkthrough if you're too stupid or lazy for the puzzles (like me). It may be a testament to how good Grim Fandango is that less than a week after I finished it for the first time, I already want to replay it. I probably will. You should too. Play it, i mean. Or replay it, if you already have played it, but then if you have you don't need me to convince you. Whatever.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 02, 2015.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
76.7 giờ được ghi nhận (73.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Fallout: New Vegas is an all time favourite for me, and a classic rpg. Original world with a bunch of locations, filled with interesting and colourful characters. A host of original and fun quests, some of which can all have different outcomes. which all give off the air of having a lot of effort and passion poured into them. Character creation is solid, and a robust skill/perk/stat system allows for multiple playthroughs of the game with widely varying styles. The skill system allows for the most customisation, with specialisation in certain ones allowing you to tailor how you want to play, from smooth-talking scientist to a melee-weapon wielding brute with a host of survival knowledge. Perks are fun and original, with classics like the Cannibal perk, which literally lets you eat people, and the Wild Wasteland perk, which gives you no real benefits, but adds a bunch of easter eggs, weird items and other stuff. As for the karma system, the game gives you free reign over whether you want to be a lying, murdering scumbag or Jesus II: Electric Boogaloo. There are some pretty messed-up choices in the game available to you, and although your karma has no real effect on how people treat you (to my knowledge, at least), the game never admonishes you for being too bad, or pushes you away from being too good; it's entirely up to you. The story is much, much more stellar than it's predecessor's, taking on much more interesting subject matter. Early on, the story branches out into 4 distinct paths. Depending on which path you take, your alliegances, the story, and the ending will change. This is another decision from Obsidian which leads to a lot of replayability; I've only personally done the bulk of one path before, and am now going down a second. The others all interest me greatly, and I plan to play through those sides of the story in the future as well. I suppose the combat is also important, as well; it's a very enjoyable mix of FPS/TPS, old-school Fallout and Baldur's Gate style fighting. The combat is in real time, but a system called V.A.T.S allows you to pause and spend action points lining up your attacks on enemies, The game is certainly playable without it, but the V.A.T.S system makes combat more managable (and fun, in my opinion). In V.A.T.S, you can target specific body parts (and your adversary's weapon, if they wield one), with a different chance to hit different places. Shooting enemies in different places yield different advantages and disadvantages; the head is usually harder to hit, but takes away more HP from the enemy if you do, whereas crippling the legs will slow the enemy down and buy you some time. Equipment such as weapons and armor is all neat, with some unique pieces available in certain places. There's some cool ♥♥♥♥ out there, including plasma guns, rocket launchers, grenades and mines, massive clubs, and gatling guns. You will also collect many "aid" items, which give buffs and heal. Strategic use of them makes your life easier. Adiitionally, there's a "hardcore" mode which puts more focus on survival elements, making you drink water on a regular basis and replace stimpaks over time to heal wounds, if that's your kind of thing. It certainly isn't mine. On top of all this, you can put on some cool armor, walk around the desert shooting mutant bugs and pretending you're Roland from the Dark Tower books.

Jeez, I don't think I'll ever get tired of this game. There's still so much I haven't done; all of the dlc packs, for one. Buy this ♥♥♥♥ now.

P.S Ed-E is my waifu
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 01, 2015.
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15 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
67.1 giờ được ghi nhận (25.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I don't believe I'm ever going to complete this game, but I'm sure going to have fun trying to.

Be Captain Jean-Luc ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Picard: Take control of a spaceship, navigate your way around text-based situations with multiple outcomes, unlock new ships, order your crew members named after your favourite Game Of Thrones characters around, fight in brilliant pausable combat, purchase a bunch of different upgrades from vendors, physically shout "DIVERT POWER TO SHIELDS," weep all night when Ned Stark asphyxiates in your shields room after a pirate punches your 02 room out, and while you're at it, pick up the Captain's Edition mod, which adds a bunch of new stuff, including attackable space stations.
Đăng ngày 14 Tháng 11, 2014.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
144.8 giờ được ghi nhận (117.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
WITH the two expansions, Civ V is a brilliant 4X game, perhaps one of the best out there (although I couldn't say; I don't have a lot of experience with the genre). An epic strategy game with an accessible learning curve but a very high skill (and knowledge) ceiling, with hundreds of different techs to research, distinct units for different eras, a functional diplomacy system, stellar religion and covert ops mechanics and big-ass nukes made better with friends. Just make sure you pick up Brave New World and Gods And Kings with it, because without it the game feels bare-bones.
Đăng ngày 14 Tháng 11, 2014.
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