The Purple Dragon
Michael West   Morayfield, Queensland, Australia
The Thunda from Down Unda. Member of Ironfist since 2007. I am a long time gamer with previous experience in Freelancer, Guild Wars, WoW, AAO (Americas Army Online) and MOHAA (Medal of Honor - Allied Assault).I started out playing on early consoles like the Atari 2600 and CBS colecovision. I graduated to my first home computer, a VIC-20 at the age of 17 and then a C-64 at 21. I stayed on the 'ole C-64 and C-61/128 for YEARS even to the point of cruising BBS' where I got my first taste of online gaming in turn based MUDs. Even when I got my first PC at the age of around 28 I didn't have the internet. I got online playing Freelancer on a 56k modem with the [MC] Gamers group, a great bunch of people who I had and still have a great deal of affection and respect for. With the advent of GW and WoW I became what I would consider a TRUE Online Gamer. During this time I left [MC] to join The Midnight Watchmen [MwM] when a group of us at [MC] decided to form a group Dedicated to RPG gaming. I migrated to Ironfist Wow division from the Midnight Watchmen. My Hobbies include Reading, Kite Flying, listening to GOOD Music and of course Online Gaming. I am currently playing Combat Arms - A cool FPS shooter in the tradition of such greats as AAO and MOH, where I am Co-Leader of the Aust. Swat Clan

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