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KoMA 29 Jul, 2015 @ 7:12pm 
Hey man interested in some smuck daddy jam?
KoMA 4 May, 2014 @ 2:02pm 
You should probably go to McRonalds gene/jean/smuck/jam shop it really has all the good you need to support a healthy family without the backlash of other jam's or lets say Zellers jeans. Just drive down jamsmucks road until you hit 88th generoad. you'll find it right there, goodluck.
KoMA 7 Mar, 2014 @ 10:54pm 
So I was putting some moustard mixed with jam on some jeans I bought at Zellers for some color to reel in the women, and you know what I thought to myself? When i'm snipping top geno with cheds, it's almost as if Smuckers speaks to me mentally, and I finally see the truth. Do you see what i'm hinting at here? The truth behind the jam in reality, is thus in the eyes of the beholder, what you see it was you get, there is nothing beyond that first view of the astral plane; thus leaving me with one conclusion. Smuckers is in fact, something beyound what we can comprehend, the very life essence of our univers is created off of this fact, jam. Oh jam.
Noriginal 22 Feb, 2014 @ 9:06pm 
More like Veloshitty.
KoMA 2 Feb, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
Hey i'm just wondering if you know where to pick up some jam for half off or for some two for one deals, you know anything?
KoMA 20 Jul, 2013 @ 11:07pm 
I had some hella moustard on my hands for that geno bardown top chedeezy, kid look at your bucket, it's full of dust. I suggest you head on over to Navy for some newly tested smuckers jam resistent jeans so you can have your nutrious snack without the mess!