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기록상 9.5시간 (평가 당시 7.9시간)
Bought this for the single player campaign. It's disappointing.

I appreciate what they tried to do, weaving together a "narrative storyline," but it just falls entirely flat. The characters are the very definition of cliche and suck any life out of any drama that could be built through, you know, the whole "this is the greatest war the world has ever seen" thing... as if a character drama is needed.

The missions themselves are relatively bland--the level design is fairly cramped and the gameplay very repetitive. Some of the missions hardly make sense in terms of what the characters decide to do, or the scenarios you're put in. There is one mission, the tank mission, that I don't believe was ever designed, played, or tested by anyone who has ever played a game where you can drive a vehicle with a weapon on it. It is downright awful.

World at War is a far better game--really, the best WWII COD there is. Go replay that if you have an itch to play this.
2023년 5월 23일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 52.2시간 (평가 당시 1.7시간)
This game is exactly what you expected it to be: A bland shooter that survives on the 40K aesthetic. It's essentially a sci-fi/40K genre reskin of the fantasy genre game Vermintide... And that's not a good thing.

Was Vermintide good when it came out? Sure. In 2015, when it was much easier to be "Left 4 Dead Clone" and get away with it. Vermintide also had the advantage of being a not-shooter, so it was both somewhat unique in the teamplay genre and had the advantage of not being directly comparable to other shooters.

Darktide has none of that going for it. As a shooter, it is very mediocre. It's not particularly fast--you're stuck moving (literally) at the somewhat-sluggish pace Vermintide defaulted at, with a slightly-less-sluggish sprint providing occasional variability in speed when your stamina allows. The gunplay isn't tremendous--for a game made in 2022 set in the 41st millenium, it sure feels odd to remark that the ranged loadouts in Left 4 Dead, Payday, or even Back 4 Blood (a mediocre entry in the teamplay series, which the shooter elements of this game do not compare favorably to) are improvements in terms of gameplay mechanic and even basic feel to the ones offered here, let alone other shooter games like Titanfall or Modern Warfare. The melee isn't tremendous, either--it is Vermintide. That is all. And right now, there are far better alternatives to melee combat games out there.

So, what does Darktide have going for it? Realistically, other than the 40k aesthetic, not much. Could it? Absolutely. Incorporating some of the basic fare of modern shooters--cover mechanics, dynamic movement, the impact of environment, or even some interesting loadout effects based on the weapon you're fielding--would represent a drastic improvement in the game. Heck, even enabling small parties (1-3 players) to use bots versus constantly having random players join the game, then run off into oblivion, would be a welcome improvement.

Unfortunately, that's not what you get here. Just know what you're buying before you buy in: a generic, mediocre teamplay shooter that offers nothing new or exciting beyond the aesthetic.

Unless you don't like muted palettes. Then not even the aesthetic is a bonus.
2022년 11월 27일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 11월 27일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 41.1시간
If you're looking for a mediocre battle game + terrible economy simulator, this is for you.

"What do you mean," the fanbase says, "it's a terrible economy simulator! You just need to *learn* how the economy *works* in this game, newb!"

Okay, well, I'd rather not learn the intricacy of economic interactions that boil down to "go to the town with the iron mine, buy iron for $200 a pop, then go to the town without an iron mine and sell it for $228. That's a huge margin!" or "don't use your repair kits to repair certain items, because the return on investment is a mere .68 per gold piece spent."

The battles are otherwise okay. Start off with three dudes, hire some new dudes, take them to battles where you basically see whether the dice rolls go your way. Rinse, repeat, against a variety of enemies.

I really want to love the game, but the "it's the economy, stupid" gameplay kneecaps an otherwise enjoyable little battler.
2022년 10월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 31.8시간 (평가 당시 31.7시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Played for 30+ hours across a variety of settings; realistically, the difficulty in getting to a point where you can field enough soldiers to fight off raids is the factor that most throttles the game. Eventually you can build forges that (slowly) produce gold bars, but until then you rely on trade with merchants to give you the gold necessary to both scale your settlement and potentially outfit soldiers. Even then, it's difficult to build enough defenses to fight off raids.

Once/if the tax/cost system gets worked out, then the game will be a recommend. Until then... it's just a grind; you build, raiders destroy, repeat.

tl;dr It's another citybuilder like Banished or Settlement Survival, with the addition of raiders that wipe you every once in a while.
2022년 10월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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44명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 82.7시간
Whether or not you like real-time strategy games, Homeworld is one of those "10/10 Classics" that you should give a shot.

Homeworld really stands alone in the 3D RTS genre. The story, voice-overs, and music are all fantastic for an RPG, let alone an RTS. The graphics and mechanics were groundbreaking when they came out and still stand out today for their quality and, in terms of game play, ease and common sense design. The remaster does justice to the originals, overhauling nothing nor introducing anything that would interfere with what made the old games great.
2022년 8월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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22명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 25.0시간
New EULA is absolute garbage.

If you want my data, you can buy it. I won't be buying the privilege of giving it to you.
2022년 8월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.0시간 (평가 당시 0.5시간)
Has the old school look, feel, and sound (remember the classic intro song? This game has it) of classic TMNT titles. The only drawback is that the game doesn't ship with an SNES controller.
2022년 7월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 40.4시간 (평가 당시 19.8시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Another city builder that does all the things city builders do. Overall recommend if you aren't tapped out on games like Banished or Settlement Survival. Some quirks making it different than games in a similar vein (e.g., the aforementioned):

- Combat is a big upgrade in that there's absolutely no micro. You purchase units, then you send them to raze or subjugate adjacent territories. The battles play out in real-time through a system where you monitor the battle's progress in a graphic that appears displaying the units involved, etc. You have the option to retreat and reinforce. Great for a city builder where combat is/can/should be a part but not a huge/major part.

- You are geolocked into a small territory, and require cash or prestige to purchase new plots of land to expand. Makes the early game a bit difficult, as you place your city last (after AI opponents), and the resources you'll need to build your town are scattered throughout the map--you won't be able to access all of them, since you're limited to purchasing territories no more than 7 away from your capital city

- The farm placement mechanic is great; can basically just drag over a non-uniform piece of territory to plant farms. Huge improvement over other games which won't let you set farms out unless they fit in a rectangle or square, etc. If only game developers could develop a mass-drag tool that will only upgrade existing roads from dirt to stone, they'd really be onto something... But I'll take what I can get.
2022년 7월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 199.4시간 (평가 당시 18.0시간)
If you're going to download mods from Steam Workshop, this is a great game you can play the heck out of.

There are two mod packages you should look out for: Yet Another Mechlab and Merctech. They are exclusive of one another (so it is one or the other; the former is less micromanagement than the latter), but both do the same thing: essentially overhauling the game, providing additional depth through greater levels of customization and campaign tweaks (such as scaling factors for mech recovery, money, etc., so the campaign remains challenging as you nevertheless look to farm gear). There are various other mods that vastly improve lighting and other effects within the game, making it look, and sound, so much better. With these mods, you're looking at a AAA title.

Without them, you're looking at a decent game which suffers from some balance issues and relatively bland graphics. Ultimately, there there is a lot to like, and a lot of flaws, in the base game. Mods help flesh a lot of the flaws out, such as improving co-op play where modders have essentially revamped the entire co-op experience and built in a much fuller level of functionality. In the mid-to-long-term, there should probably be a greater variety of mission types and story lines.

All that said, if you are good downloading mods (and you should be; Steam Workshop vastly improves so many games as independent developers smooth the rough edges out of so many otherwise good games), then this is a good buy, especially for the price.
2022년 6월 15일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 11월 22일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 260.5시간 (평가 당시 28.2시간)
Overall, fun game; like the new armies that set it apart from the TWWHII game, and even like the new mechanic. Pick up the game, play through the campaign with the mechanic on once, then turn it off if you'd like.

Is the "soul forge" campaign mechanic (travel through the realms of chaos, claim four soul parts, then head to the soul forge to face off with the big bad) perfect? No.

But it is a lot of fun. And it introduces stakes into the main campaign which make it more similar to the Old World setting everyone seems to know and love, and says they want to play, without actually seeming to want to play. While you're forging your empire, you're squaring off against demon incursions that can hit you from within, from opposing armies that hit you from without, and now you have to balance those with the main campaign quest. You'll suffer some setbacks, sure, but this is the Old World--the armies of Chaos have always been ravaging Kislev and The Empire, while they fought amongst themselves, in a setting which was essentially in stasis as each couldn't escape the Mexican Standoff. Does it make it so it's much harder to paint the map? Absolutely. But that's what makes it a great TW mechanic, and perfect for the setting.

I get some of the hate for the main campaign mechanic, because "muh AI cheats" but it's a PC game. The AI is constantly cheating no matter what. Without the AI having settings which essentially put you on a ticking clock to accomplish the campaign mechanic--and you're on a clock *but it's a forgiving clock*, you don't need to succeed 100% of the time to still pull out a win--you actually have to balance your resources and make tough decisions to win. Ultimately, without the campaign mechanic, this is just reskinned TWWHII. Fickle gamers think "but that's what I wanted!" while knowing they'd also complain about simply getting a reskinned TWWHII.

Plus, if you don't like the campaign mechanic--guess what: you can download a mod that turns it off at the click of a button on the menu screen. Ta-da.
2022년 6월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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