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A very unique and terrifying experience! Cabins can be scary even if they are not in the woods!

Your job at the Cabin Factory is simple: inspect the cabins and decide on whether they’re haunted or not. If you do find any anomalies, get out…immediately.

You play as an old lady, Greta, who works at The Cabin Factory, which specializes in building Hyper-Realistic Horror Cabins for use in theme parks and movies. Some of the cabins are supposedly haunted, so the company hires people to inspect them, ensuring they are safe to use.

Your task is to inspect the cabins that have been built to see if they are Haunted or Clear and then sort the cabins. You are told that if anything moves within the cabin, it is haunted. Some cabins contain large anomalies and some are harder to detect, and some cabins are Clear of course. You must successfully assess 8 cabins in a row to win the game. However, there are many more anomalies than this, so keep playing again and again!

Environment & Scares
All cabins are built the same. But the contents of the cabins vary. For example, one time you enter the cabin there may be a man sitting at the kitchen table, and the next time you enter he may be standing outside the window. This does not mean that it is haunted, only if someone or something moves from their original position of the original layout of that specific cabin. I think they have done a very good job with the variety of layouts and all the scares they contain. It is a very creepy atmosphere in this game, and I don't want to spoil any of the scares.

Visual Design & Sound Design
The game looks really good and the people inside the cabin are very creepy. The sound design is also very good. This game is so well designed that it made the hair on my body stand up and sent shivers down my spine.

The Verdict
This is a very good horror game and unlike anything I’ve played before. A very creepy experience where you have to spot the difference. The game is relatively short. It can take as little as 30 minutes to complete a round if you are quick and guess correctly every time. But to get the full scope of the game with all the anomalies you will need to play for about 2 hours. I can't really think of anything to complain about. Maybe that it would be cool with more cabins that are built differently. I strongly recommend this game!

Rating: 9/10
Skrevet: 13. februar. Sidst redigeret: 13. februar.
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0.6 timer registreret i alt
A scary, free and 35 minute short horror game!

You must stay alive in this horror/puzzle adventure. Try to survive the vengeful toys waiting for you in the abandoned toy factory. Use your GrabPack to hack electrical circuits or nab anything from afar. Explore the mysterious facility... and don't get caught.

Chapter 1 - A Tight Squeeze. The chapter revolves around an unnamed ex-employee, referred to as The Player, of the toy-manufacturing company named Playtime Company, returns to the abandoned toy factory after the company's staff had mysteriously disappeared a decade ago.

Poppy Playtime is a first-person, episodic survival horror game. This first episode is very short, only taking me 35 minutes to complete. There are several puzzles that must be solved to progress. You have a gadget called GrabPack, a backpack that can be equipped with two extendable hands, one blue and one red, which can be used to pull and reach objects from a far distance, conduct electricity, and access certain doors. The puzzles are fun and well made.

Environment & Scares
It takes place in a toy factory with scary toys. The factory is deserted with an eerie atmosphere. You discover that the factory contains living and creepy toys that want to kill you.

Visual Design & Sound Design
The visual design and sound design is good. The toys look creepy.

The Verdict
Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 - A Tight Squeeze is very short, but it is free. The game leaves you with a cliffhanger, making you eager for the next chapter. I recommend you try it.

Rating: 7/10
Skrevet: 13. februar.
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2.1 timer registreret i alt
Overrated game. Boring and tedious with repetitive sequences. Looks 10 years older than it is.

Home Sweet Home is a first-person horror adventure game based on Thai myths and beliefs. The core gameplay focuses on storytelling and stealth to avoid perilous spirits hunting you. Moreover, few puzzles are added into the game, making gameplay more various.

You play as Tim, and you are looking for your missing wife Jane and you have to go through nightmarish environments to find her.

Home Sweet Home is a single-player, first-person survival horror and puzzle game. You have no weapons, only a flashlight. You have to avoid and sneak around enemies to progress. There are lockers that you can hide in as well. If you get caught you have a chance to escape with a QTE, but you will take some damage. The game has the same type of gameplay as Outlast, where you have to sneak and find items to progress, but Outlast is so much better.

Environment & Scares
The game focuses on horror elements drawn from Thai folklore. During the majority of the game, there is a ghostly thai girl with a boxcutter that is walking around that you have to avoid. There are some cheap jump scares, but the game focuses a lot on stressful chase sequences if you are spotted. The environment does have an eerie atmosphere, and would have worked better if the enemies were scarier.

Visual Design & Sound Design
The game is from 2017, but it looks like it’s 10 years older than that. It looks pretty bad playing this in 2025. The sound design was not the best either, and sometimes it was hard to hear where some sounds came from. The sound effects were not very scary and the voice acting was not that good.

Constructive Criticism
I thought this game was pretty boring. The stealth sequences were boring and very annoying if it’s a long one and you die at the end. The game does not have enough checkpoints, so you have to restart the whole stealth section when you die. This just made it frustrating and tedious, and not scary. If it was a cutscene at the start of the section, you have to rewatch that as well, you can’t skip it.

The Thai girl was not very scary, and it looked kinda ridiculous when she caught you. It wasn’t scary, it just made me laugh. The Preta entity was not scary either and looked like a giant terminator that was just annoying.

When the Thai girl spotted me and started chasing me I tried to run away, closing doors behind me to slow her down while I was searching for a locker to hide in. This did not work very well, as she always caught me. She was too fast and the doors did not seem to slow her down, which was annoying. The environment and these Thai girl sequences got very repetitive.

This game actually bored me so much that I quit after 2 hours and fast-forwarded the game on a YouTube walkthrough, and I’m glad I did because it was just more of the same, boring, tedious sequences.

The Verdict
I have played many horror games, many really good ones. Home Sweet Home is not the worst horror game I have played but far from the best. I think I’ve been a bit spoiled from all the good horror games made by Frictional Games and others like Outlast, Madison, Visage and more. I know that this is an Indie game, but I’ve played so much better. People who think this is a good horror game can't have high standards.

Rating: 3/10
Skrevet: 13. februar. Sidst redigeret: 13. februar.
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401.0 timer registreret i alt
One of my favourite games. A complete masterpiece!

Dark Souls continues to push the boundaries with the latest, ambitious chapter in the critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series. Prepare yourself and Embrace The Darkness!

Story & Quests
The story in Dark Souls III is good, but can be confusing and difficult to follow. You need to pay close attention to what every NPC says along the way and exhaust all dialogue. Just like with every FromSoftware's souls-games, the side quests with various NPCs you meet along the way can be very difficult to figure out what you need to do and when to do it without checking a guide on the internet. Sometimes if you progress the game too far without doing certain steps in a side quest, the quest will be forfeited without warning and you have to try again the next playthrough. You have no journal or similar to keep track of your quests either. This can be very annoying, and is one out of two things that I "dislike" with the souls-games, even if it's a minor thing.

This is the other thing I dislike with the souls-games. You can summon another player to your world to help you on the path to the next boss, and after the boss is slain, the summoned player will be returned to his world. Then you can summon the same player again or another player in the next area if that player has reached that area in his world, and so on. If you want to play through this game with another friend, then you have to complete every area and boss twice, first in your world and then in your friend’s world before moving on to the next area. I think it would be better if world progress is shared and saved, like slain bosses and collected items.

Combat & Gameplay
The combat in this game is so much better than in Dark Souls and Dark Souls II. It’s pretty much flawless. If you fail and die over and over again, it's on you, not the game. You just have to practice and get better. There are tons of different builds in the game with so many weapons and spells to choose from, so replayability in this regard is nothing less than fantastic. There is a certain farmable item you need to respec your character though. You can always make a new character instead if you would like.

Enemies & Bosses
There are a good variety of enemies and bosses in the game with varied attack patterns that you have to learn to dodge.I can’t really complain about any of the boss fights because this game is so well designed.

The World of Lothric
The surroundings also have a good variety. The environments are well designed and it feels like every room is important to explore. There isn't a lot of unnecessary space. This game feels a bit more dark and gritty in its surroundings than its predecessors, but at the same time very beautiful.

Constructive Criticism
I do not have much to say here, as the few negatives that exist in the game are heavily overshadowed by all the positives. Side quests and co-op play could be better, yes, but this game is still a masterpiece in my opinion. Especially if you play it and complete it solo without the help of others to carry you, which is a greater achievement than completing it in co-op after all. PVP is the one thing that bothers me the most. I don’t want to play PVP, and there is no way around it, at least if you play co-op with a friend.

The Verdict
If you like FromSoftware and the other Dark Souls games, don't hesitate to play this one. It is the best one. I was completely blown away the first time I played through this game. I just played through the game again with a friend, and have completed it 29 times now (30 if you count his world too) if I count all the playthroughs, both Xbox and PC. It is without a doubt a favorite game.

Rating: 10/10
Skrevet: 7. februar.
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11.4 timer registreret i alt (10.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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Grab some friends and kill evil things in the dark and snowy Antarctica!

Venture forth as part of a specialized team of fellow players tasked with retrieving classified materials, evading the black goo virus, and the nightmarish entities it has spawned. With time running out before the US government initiates a devastating nuclear strike to contain the spreading menace.

Not much of a story in this game. You play as a member of a specialized team where your mission is to retrieve classified materials while surviving in the cold weather of Antarctica, where nightmarish enemies lurk in the dark. This game is highly inspired by the 1982 movie The Thing.

Gameplay & Co-op
Nuclear Nightmare is a first-person, online co-op, horror survival game. You can play up to 8 players, or go solo if you’d like. This game has proximity voice chat, like in Lethal Company if you have played that. This means you can only talk to your teammates when you are close enough, otherwise they won’t hear you. The voice disappears more and more the further away you go. However, you can choose to have everyone start with a radio if you want, so you can talk to each other when you are further away. Otherwise, everyone starts empty-handed. If you die, you can spectate other players and you can hear what they say, but they can’t hear you. You can talk to any player who is also dead at the same time as you. You don't get any notification if someone dies either. The monsters can also hear you talking and become aware of your presence, so be careful!

When you are attacked and take damage from monsters, there is a risk that you will get infected. To check if you are infected, you have to find a station where you can test your blood. You lose a tiny bit of health by checking for infection. All players get a notification that you have tested yourself and what the result is. If you are infected, you have to find a vaccine, otherwise you will end up becoming a monster that will hunt your friends.

If a player turns on a generator in another outpost, you will get a notification about where and who the player is. You can also drop flares that will appear on the map for a while, to show other players where you are.

In almost every outpost there is a computer terminal where you can check how much time is left before the map is nuked, call in evac for extraction, and see which players are alive. There you can also reinforce/revive players and they will then respawn on the helipad in the outpost where you are. There is a limited number of reinforcements.

The game has a countdown. When time runs out, the entire map is nuked and it is game over. There are several different weapons and tools to find on the map to help you and your team survive the night and collect enough classified materials so you can extract before time runs out. Difficulty and other settings such as friendly fire, time limit and number of classified materials needed before you can extract can be changed before you start a new game.

You earn points for completing objectives, like interacting with a keypad, generator, trip mine, and collecting classified documents. You get more points if you play on higher difficulties and successfully extract with as many classified documents as possible. You can then use your points for buying cosmetics and unlocking perks that can be used in game. To use a perk you need to find a soda machine in game and it will roll a random perk that you have unlocked. You can have several perks active at the same time.

Environment & Enemies
You are in Antarctica. There is only one map, but it’s quite big. It's random where you spawn every time you start a new game, and so are the objectives in the outposts, but the map layout and the outposts are always the same except for a couple of the outposts that can switch positions. There are some different vehicles for traveling between the outposts. It varies between night and day as you play, and at night nightmarish monsters come to kill or infect you and your team. There are just a few different monsters at the moment.

Visual Design & Sound Design
The game looks very good for an indie game and the monsters look scary enough. The sound design is okay. It could have been a bit better mostly when it comes to footsteps and such. When you are running through the snow it sounds like someone is running behind you, but it's only your own footsteps in the deep snow.

Constructive Criticism
Nuclear Nightmare is an Early Access Game, which means that there are a lot of bugs. Some of the bugs are even game-breaking, where the big ones are problems with respawning and getting a Mission Failed even though you extracted successfully. The game-breaking bugs do not occur often though, and will probably be fixed soon.

The Verdict
Nuclear Nightmare is a very fun co-op game that I strongly recommend. I’m a fan of the movie The Thing, so I really liked this game. However, it needs a lot of polishing and updates to run more smoothly. I think it will get much better eventually if you give it some time to grow.

Rating: 8/10
Skrevet: 29. januar.
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217.1 timer registreret i alt
Dark Souls II is the weakest entry in the series, but still fun! Mostly...

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin brings the franchise’s renowned obscurity & gripping gameplay to a new level. Join the dark journey and experience overwhelming enemy encounters, diabolical hazards, and unrelenting challenge.

Story & Quests
The story in Dark Souls II is good, but can be confusing and difficult to follow. You need to pay close attention to what every NPC says along the way and exhaust all dialogue. Just like with every FromSoftware's souls-games, the side quests with various NPCs you meet along the way can be very difficult to figure out what you need to do and when to do it without checking a guide on the internet. Sometimes if you progress the game too far without doing certain steps in a side quest, the quest will be forfeited without warning and you have to try again the next playthrough. You have no journal or similar to keep track of your quests either. This can be very annoying, and is one out of three things that I "dislike" with the souls-games, even if it's a minor thing.

This is the second thing I dislike about the souls-games. You can summon another player to your world to help you on the path to the next boss, and after the boss is slain, the summoned player will be returned to his world. Then you can summon the same player again or another player in the next area if that player has reached that area in his world, and so on. If you want to play through this game with another friend, then you have to complete every area and boss twice, first in your world and then in your friend’s world before moving on to the next area. I think it would be better if world progress is shared and saved, like slain bosses and collected items.

Dark Souls II also has PVP, which is the third thing I dislike about the souls-games. Or rather, I HATE IT. The biggest problem with PVP is that you can't turn it off. There's no such setting. You sit and play in your world, and in the middle of it all you get invaded by another player that you have to fight against. It is also extremely laggy and unbalanced. In my opinion, PVP has never worked and never will. The only way to turn it off is to not be online, and that is hard to do if you play co-op.

Gameplay & Combat
Dark Souls II is a very difficult game that punishes you severely when you make mistakes. It is difficult in a good way, where it's important to get good at the game and learn how enemies and bosses work. If you fail and die over and over again, it's on you, not the game, at least most of the time. You just have to practice and get better. However, the combat in this game is far from flawless. It's actually worse than the first game. More about this later.

The game has good replayability. When you've finished the game, you can restart on New Game+ (Journey 2) where all enemies and bosses have more health and do more damage. This continues until you have completed NG+7 (Journey 8). After NG+7 you can still choose NG+ again, but the scaling stops and doesn't go any higher. NG+99 (Journey 100) is the maximum number of NG+ for each character. This game is also the only game in the series that actually changes a bit in NG+, where more and tougher enemies have been placed in some areas. Even a few bosses now have extra enemies in the boss arena.

Enemies & Bosses
Dark Souls II has a good variety when it comes to enemies and bosses. For the most part the bosses themselves are well designed, it's the game that is badly designed. Many bosses are though quite boring, and a few that are pure garbage. I don't understand what they were thinking when they designed some of the bosses and boss arenas.

The World of Drangleic
The surroundings also have a good variety, but compared to the first game I would say that the level design and the different areas in this game are kinda annoying, forgettable and not as well designed as the first game. The layout just feels off in many areas with pointless rooms and paths that contain no items or enemies. Some areas are good though, but those are few.

Constructive Criticism
There’s a lot to say about this game. The three things I mentioned that I dislike with all the souls games are nothing compared to the other flaws in this game. They made many new changes in this game that were completely unnecessary and just stupid. It's like they made cheap, boring and stupid changes to make the game harder, but it just got more annoying. Here are the worst cons:

The game feels very off and wonky in the way you run, jump, dodge and attack. The hitbox is also pretty bad and so is the targeting mechanic at times. There is a primary stat in this game called ADP (Adaptability) that increases AGL (Agility), a secondary stat. Agility increases the duration of invincibility while dodging, the speed of using consumable items (including the Estus Flask), the speed at which you toggle between LH/RH equipment slots, and the speed at which you raise your guard while blocking. This is beyond stupid and pure madness. At the start of the game you are really slow, and when you do manage to drink an Estus it takes forever to recover your health as well.

Fog Walls now take longer to go through as you have to channel for a couple of seconds before you enter, and enemies can cancel this. Stupid.

Illusion Walls now require you to click A on the Xbox controller to open them up. You can no longer hit them with an attack to reveal the hidden path. Why?

Crystal Lizards will not give you its loot automatically when killed. You have to loot it yourself. If they fall off the map and die from it, you will lose that loot. They are also very hard to hit with many weapons. Just annoying.

Upgrade materials are unbalanced. You get so many Titanite Slabs it’s crazy. Most of the time you have more Slabs than Chunks. Weird.

Weapons have low durability and break easily in this game, which is highly annoying.

One of the biggest issues with this game is that there are too many enemies. Many times you get overrun and die just because you have 8 enemies after you at the same time. Most enemies are also very boring and easy to kill, but it’s the numbers that kills you.

Bosses are also quite boring and too easy in this game. If you die it's probably because of the bad game design and not because a boss is hard. Many times you die on your way TO the boss, because the path is often too long and overcrowded with enemies. You often get more upset by that than dying on the boss itself.

Every time you die you lose a bit of your max health, and can only be restored by using a Human Effigy.

They also made a weird change to the enemies respawn mechanic. After you have killed an enemy 12-15 times (depending on enemy type) it stops respawning. You can reset the spawn limit and respawn the boss by burning a Bonfire Ascetic in the bonfire that the enemies and bosses belong to. However, every time you do this, that area increases one NG+. This is just stupid if you wanna farm Human Effigies, a specific weapon, etc.

The Verdict
Dark Souls II is very far from flawless and is for sure the weakest entry in the series. When I played it for the first time over 10 years ago, I was not as blown away and immersed as the first game. If I had played this game for the first time today I would have been even less impressed. Even though Dark Souls II is 11 years old, I still find it fun when I haven't played it in a while, but mostly for nostalgia. I just played through the game again with a friend, and have completed it 25 times now (26 if you count his world too) if I count all the playthroughs, both Xbox and PC.

Rating: 6/10
Skrevet: 19. januar. Sidst redigeret: 7. februar.
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12.6 timer registreret i alt
It has some slow parts, but it also has great atmosphere, great sound design, and unique mechanics and ideas.

Inspired by the cinematic lore of Blair Witch, experience a new story-driven psychological horror game that studies your reactions to fear and stress.

The year is 1996, two years after the events of the first film. A 9-year-old boy has gone missing in the Black Hills Forest in Burkittsville, Maryland. You play as Ellis Lynch, a war veteran and former police officer who joins the search party for the missing boy. You also have your police dog Bullet with you. Ellis suffers from PTSD, which manifests itself in various ways throughout the game, including flashbacks where Ellis has a hard time deciding what is real or not. The game takes about 5-6 hours to complete.

Blair Witch is a single player first-person survival horror game. You have your dog Bullet with you, who leads you through almost the entire game. He can seek and fetch things for you, you can pet him, give him dog snacks, and most importantly he can warn you and show you where the evil is hiding in the forest. I thought this was an original and cool mechanic that I had not experienced before.

You have no weapons in this game. You do, however, have a flashlight and a camcorder that you use a lot. The flashlight is basically your weapon. You use it to shine a light on the evil in the forest to kill it. In this creepy forest, there are lanky, twig-like demons lurking, who move incredibly quickly between the trees. Bullet will growl in the direction where the demons are hiding. Keep an eye on Bullet and work with him to take down the enemies. The camcorder is often used to solve simple puzzles or as a guide in certain parts of the game where you have to avoid enemies without using your flashlight.

Many people complain about the gameplay and say that this game is a boring walking simulator, and I can understand why. There is a lot of walking and talking, but I still found it mostly interesting.

Environment & Scares
Basically the whole game takes place outside in the forest, but in the end you are also inside a very dark and old, unpleasant house. The atmosphere is really good and creepy, both in the forest and inside the house. The game has some very good scares and creepy segments, but also some cheap ones.

Visual Design & Sound Design
Visually the game looks good. Nothing extraordinary, but good. The forest looks well-made and feels scary. The enemies in the house at the end of the game looked very creepy and scary as well.

The sound design is great. Both in terms of sound effects and music. Branches and twigs breaking off in the forest, creepy music as you advance through the fog, unpleasant whispers especially at the end of the game when you are in the house, and more.

Constructive Criticism
Some parts of the game went on for far too long. For example, when you have to carry Bullet for a certain reason, and the house at the end. They could have removed at least a third of the duration in the house. It just became repetitive.

The AI ​​for Bullet is not flawless. Many times I did not understand what he was barking at and sometimes he just walked back and forth, confused about where to go, which made me confused. The game takes place in a semi-open world and it can be a little confusing in the forest at times. Then it is important that Bullet's guidance works as it should. But I consider this a minor issue, as it did not happen a lot and I managed to find my way regardless.

The enemies out in the forest could have been much scarier. You could barely see them. Basically superfast living trees that are hiding behind trees, and if they manage to come close enough to hit you, you won't see them anyway because of how fast they are. These encounters became too repetetive though and was not that hard or stressful. Later when the camcorder is needed in the house at the end of the game the enemies were much scarier, but also too easy.

The PTSD flashback scenes that bled through and manifest in the forest didn't really fit in. These parts were also not scary and just weird, for example the demon leaf balls. The house at the end also had huge potential to be a lot more scary than it was. Too many flashback scenes even there that could have been replaced with something else. Something scarier. Instead it was just weird and out of place in this game.

The Verdict
Blair Witch is an interesting and unique horror experience unlike anything I have been through before. It has incredible sound design, but also has some slow gameplay parts. The game has its flaws, yes, but it's still a good game and not too long. I recommend it, but wait for a sale.

Rating: 7/10
Skrevet: 8. januar. Sidst redigeret: 12. januar.
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5.1 timer registreret i alt
It just wasn't that scary or impressive.

Slender Man returns more terrifying than ever. You're on your own. No one to help you. No one to hear you scream. Relive the horror all over again with cutting edge visuals for the 10th Anniversary Update and experience survival horror at its finest.

You play as Lauren who is searching for her missing friend Kate. You search for clues to her disappearance while being chased by Slender Man. The game is quite short and takes about 2 hours.

The game is quite simple and straightforward. All you have to do is look for various objectives while avoiding Slender Man. The only thing you have at your disposal is a flashlight. The first chapter is a Prologue where you get to learn the game. The second chapter is the classic Eight Pages. The third chapter is basically the same as the Eight Pages, but instead you are in an abandoned mine where you have to start 6 randomly placed generators while avoiding both Slender Man and The Proxy who is a human child that has lost his/her mind to Slender Man. You can temporarily stun The Proxy by blinding him with your flashlight. This is the hardest part of the game. Chapter 4 & 5 were much easier, almost just a walking simulator.

After you have completed the game once you will unlock Hardcore difficulty. It should have been available from the start, because the game is much scarier on that difficulty. But after playing through the game once I didn't feel like playing it again. I did it anyway to get all the achievements, and it was better on Hardcore difficulty. For example, they made Chapter 3 with the generators harder, as you also have to find fuel for each generator.

Environment & Scares
The environment is varied enough for such a short game. The atmosphere is not particularly scary. I don't think Slender Man and The Proxy are particularly scary either. Charlie Matheson Jr. was the creepiest of the three, but he also looked kinda ridiculous when he ran. The game mostly consists of chase sequences, but also has some cheap jump scares.

Visual Design & Sound Design
The game got a 10th anniversary update in 2023, which made a significant improvement to the graphics. The animation of The Proxy when he catches you looked a bit weird though.

The sound design wasn't that great. I'm mostly referring to the sounds The Proxy makes when you shine your flashlight on him. It sounds like a squealing pig. Charlie Matheson Jr. also sounded a bit weird.

The Verdict
Slender: The Arrival is the best Slender Man game out there, since it has the original classic in it, but just an okay horror game in my opinion. The first chapters did scare me a few times, but I got a little bored after chapter 3. The rest of the game wasn't as good and just got a bit tedious. It just wasn't that scary or impressive. Getting bored after one hour in a two-hour game is not a thumbs up for me.

Rating: 4/10
Skrevet: 4. januar. Sidst redigeret: 25. januar.
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37.2 timer registreret i alt
Improved combat compared to Fallen Order, but way too much platforming and lack of planet variety!

The story of Cal Kestis continues in STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™, a galaxy-spanning, third-person, action-adventure game.

Story & Characters
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a good Star Wars game with a good story. It takes place five years after the events of Fallen Order. I liked the story more in Fallen Order though. The story in Survivor did not get me as immersed, until the final chapter of the game. There is a huge twist at the end of the game, which I did not see coming.

Just like the previous game, Survivor has a lot of likeable characters, both new ones and some familiar faces from the previous game. It also has some familiar villains that show up, but I won't spoil that.

Gameplay & Combat
This game also has the souls-like tag attached to it, but don't let that scare you if you are not into the souls-like genre, because in this game you can choose between 5 different difficulties, and the easiest difficulty is pretty damn easy. Other than that, the game is very souls-like indeed, with paths that are first locked that you later unlock as a shortcut, and you realise that a lot of the paths are connected. There are also meditation points where you can rest and refill your health, at the cost of every enemy on the planet respawning. At the meditation points you can also spend skill points, switch out your stances and perks, and fast travel.

When it comes to gameplay and combat it's an improvement from Fallen Order. There are more abilities, more lightsaber stances, unlockable perks, and wider customization for Cal, BD-1 and your weapons. The developers have really managed to convey the feeling of what it is like to be a Jedi with all the abilities you can do, whether it's fighting with your lightsaber, using the force, or using your acrobatic skills.

Enemies & Bosses
The enemies have as good a variety as you can get, considering how few planets there are to explore. The bosses were okay, nothing special, most of them was disappointing. Nothing compared to Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring for example.

Fallen Order had several very different planets to explore, and was pretty linear. In Survivor there are really only two big planets, Koboh and Jedha, and some smaller planets/worlds like Coruscant, Koboh's Shattered Moon, Nova Garon and Tanalorr. Tanalorr is very small, with only a linear path where a small part of the story takes place. Koboh and Jedha are quite large however, but this made me a little disappointed. I liked the environments more in Fallen Order. This game is not as linear as Fallen Order. It focuses more on an open world. Most of what you do in this open world is a lot of platforming to find collectibles and various upgrades. There are very few actual side quests. Koboh and Jedha are where you will spend the majority of your time in this game. A plus is that you can fast travel between meditation points now at least.

Constructive Criticism
As I said, Survivor is better when it comes to combat, exploration, and customization, but doesn't have as good a story and environment. The biggest problem with the game for me is how much platforming there is! No wonder the main story takes 20 hours to complete when half the time is spent climbing, running on walls, and jumping between various obstacles. Considering that this game also has an open world, it became way too much of this. It became kinda tedious and I became a bit bored and irritated actually after I was done with the story. The game had some cool platforming segments during the story, for example when you help Merrin take down a giant robot on Jedha. But it just became too much in the end. There was also platforming in Fallen Order, but not in the same way because it was more linear, focused and shorter. I never got tired of it.

The combat is fun, but also has some annoying moments. Why does it have to be an animation when you strike the final blow on every single enemy? It was cool the first time, but not the 56th time. Even the boss fights have a lot of interruptions with cutscenes and QTE's. During the cool boss fights there can be like 3 cutscenes through the fight. It breaks immersion for me. What also bothered me a bit, just like the first game, was that you spend force by doing a heavy attack with your lightsaber... Why? You don't have a stamina bar in this game where every attack drains stamina. You can spam light attacks, but heavy attacks cost force, which is like mana in this game. That still felt a bit off for me at least.

Many games these days suffer from performance issues and poor optimization, and Survivor is no exception. It's been 1.5 years since this game came out, and there are still problems with it. Planet Koboh is the worst, a real stutter fest, and that's where you spend the most time. The graphics settings don't matter. What works is to limit your fps to 30, but who wants to play a game at 30 fps these days? Completely unacceptable. Even some cutscenes were stuttering for me, which made me miss certain things that happened! Very annoying!

The Verdict
Overall, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a good Star Wars game. I enjoyed Fallen Order more even if Survivor has improved combat. But the lack of planet variety and all the platforming with boring objectives and lag made this game a lot more tedious, boring and drawn out, which is a shame. I still recommend you play it through once if you are a fan, at least the main story.

Rating: 6/10
Skrevet: 30. december 2024.
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Dark Souls Remastered is not a flawless game, but I have always loved it!

Then, there was fire. Re-experience the critically acclaimed, genre-defining game that started it all. Beautifully remastered, return to Lordran in stunning high-definition detail running at 60fps.

Story & Quests
The story in Dark Souls is good, but can be confusing and difficult to follow. You need to pay close attention to what every NPC says along the way and exhaust all dialogue. Just like with every FromSoftware's souls-games, the side quests with various NPCs you meet along the way can be very difficult to figure out what you need to do and when to do it without checking a guide on the internet. Sometimes if you progress the game too far without doing certain steps in a side quest, the quest will be forfeited without warning and you have to try again the next playthrough. You have no journal or similar to keep track of your quests either. This can be very annoying, and is one out of three things that I "dislike" with the souls-games, even if it's a minor thing.

This is the second thing I dislike about the souls-games. You can summon another player to your world to help you on the path to the next boss, and after the boss is slain, the summoned player will be returned to his world. Then you can summon the same player again or another player in the next area if that player has reached that area in his world, and so on. If you want to play through this game with another friend, then you have to complete every area and boss twice, first in your world and then in your friend’s world before moving on to the next area. I think it would be better if world progress is shared and saved, like slain bosses and collected items.

Dark Souls also has PVP, which is the third thing I don't like about the game. Or rather, I HATE IT. The biggest problem with PVP is that you can't turn it off. There's no such setting. You sit and play in your world, and in the middle of it all you get invaded by another player that you have to fight against. It is also extremely laggy and unbalanced. In my opinion, PVP has never worked and never will. The only way to turn it off is to not be online, and that is hard to do if you play co-op.

Gameplay & Combat
Dark Souls is a very difficult game that punishes you severely when you make mistakes. It is difficult in a good way, where it's important to get good at the game and learn how enemies and bosses work. If you fail and die over and over again, it's on you, not the game, at least most of the time. You just have to practice and get better. However, the combat in this game is far from flawless. Mainly when it comes to hitbox, targeting, spellcasting, and dodging on some occasions. But for its time, when the game came out, it was really good and it is still very good. There are way worse souls-like games out there that are even newer than this one. The game also has good replayability. When you've finished the game, you can restart on New Game+ where all enemies and bosses have more health and do more damage. This continues until you have completed NG+6. After NG+6 you can still choose NG+ again, but the scaling stops and doesn't go any higher. If you've only played FromSoftware's Elden Ring and then start Dark Souls, be prepared to have some patience getting used to the game, it’s a 13 year old game after all. That is a big difference.

Enemies & Bosses
Dark Souls has a good variety when it comes to enemies and bosses. For the most part they are well designed. But there are a few bosses that are pure garbage, no matter how old the game is, I just don't understand what they were thinking when they designed some of the bosses and boss arenas. Bed of Chaos is one of the biggest garbage bosses I've ever encountered, both the boss and the arena. The DLC has the best bosses in the game for sure.

The World of Lordran
The surroundings also have a good variety, and I would say that the different places in this game have become legendary, for example Blighttown and Anor Londo. The environments are well designed for the most part and it feels like every room is important to explore. There isn't a lot of unnecessary space.

Constructive Criticism
I don't have much to say here, as the few negatives that exist in the game are heavily overshadowed by all the positives. Side quests and co-op play could be better, yes, but this game is still a good game in my opinion. Especially if you play it and complete it solo without the help of others to carry you, which is a greater achievement than completing it in co-op after all.

The Verdict
Dark Souls is not a flawless game. When I played it for the first time over 10 years ago, I was completely blown away and so immersed. If I had played this game for the first time today I wouldn't have been as impressed. For its time, Dark Souls and Demon's Souls that came before it, were innovative and the start of a whole new genre of difficult games. Even though Dark Souls is 13 years old, I still find it fun and challenging when I haven't played it in a while. I just played through the game again with a friend, and have completed it 23 times now (24 if you count his world too) if I count all the playthroughs, both Xbox and PC. It is without a doubt a favorite game.

Rating: 9/10
Skrevet: 21. december 2024. Sidst redigeret: 7. februar.
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