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Скорошни рецензии на Dungeon Daddy

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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
140.0 изиграни часа (62.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Sekiro does something I hadn't expected. It allowed me to have a feeling of trying Dark Souls for the first time "again."

Sekiro, like dark souls, is a challenging and hugely rewarding game. There's no better feeling in video games than beating a tough boss you've been banging your head against for an hour or two.

When I first played dark souls, it took me 55ish hours. I took it slow and steady and progressed on my own terms, buffing up along the way (farming materials and souls etc.). In some cases mostly to offset that I wasn't good enough to deal with the bosses. But I got through it and after I finished it, I was left empty? There wasn't any game that could compare after that. Every game had such a hollow feeling of being.. Easy? No, perhaps they simply lacked that rewarding feeling of beating something that was difficult. Dark souls did that. Or atleast the first did. Dark souls 2 and 3 are both excellent games. But they were more of the same? And the more I've played dark souls, the better I got at them and the latter games never felt as challenging as the first time playing through DS1. Never got that same level of exhilaration.

However, Sekiro did that for me. In a way I hadn't expected. It was hard from the get go, even for a DS veteran. The three dimensions of movement, the three (arguable four) ways of parrying/dodging, the fact that the same way couldn't work and most bosses were a mix of using all of them, gave a completely new experience.

That combined with the fact that there was no farming. Sure, you can farm for materials and Exp however, this doesn't help as much as you might expect. The health and Damage of Sekiro is entirely tied to how far you've progressed. You can't just bite the pillow and farm for 10 hours to offset that you can't defeat a boss, like you could in dark souls.

Sekiro is great. The story is great, the characters are well thought out, the combat is crisp, fast and rewarding. But it all comes with a warning. Sekiro is -hard-. Harder than Dark souls (1,2&3) and you need to come looking for a challenge. If you dont enjoy overcoming hard challenges, if you don't get the same kind of exhilaration from beating a boss that's been trouncing you for hours, then I don't think I can recommend this.

Having defeated all the bosses (Optional included), in one story path (Dragons homecoming) it took me about 60ish hours on my first go. That's roughly the same I spend on my first Dark souls 1 run. And while there's been moments of frustration, looking back, this is probably one of the best games I've ever played.

10/10 would get crushed by an angry monke
Публикувана 10 март 2021.
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17.9 изиграни часа (9.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Another addition to the jackbox party games, pack 6 brings some good fun additions to the bundle.

First off, a sequel to Murder Trivia Party, which has been a favorite of mine for some time. And with the option to avoid US-centric questions the game becomes a much more even playing field if you, like me, aren't from the states.

Secondly the soothing background music for the games in this pack is really good.

The rest of the games, especially Dictionarium and Role Models are really good fun, though the latter is best enjoyed with friends you know to a greater degree, and perhaps harder as a general party game with friends of friends.

Joke Boat is good in concept but hard to pull off. Having to be a comedian on the spot is hard, for many, and you end up with a lot of unfunny results.

Push the Button, while fun in theory, has been a contention point in my friend groups. It's like playing a game of Werewolf, yet it gives you a lot of mini-games to try and figure out who's bad. However the short timer has been a point of stress and some aspects of the game become very time consuming, without much help in the end.

Overall I highly recommend this pack, especially for Murder Trivia Party 2.0 and Role Models.
Публикувана 30 ноември 2019.
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899.0 изиграни часа (167.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Monster Hunter World is a great game if you like long boss battle-like fights, mix and match armor sets and weaponry, aswell as a vaired amount of weapon art combat that provide diverse experiences in combat.

There is something to be said about the amount of grinding one has to do in order to get everything you want, but truth be told grinding in this game is far from a repetitive feel as each hunt is fun in it's own right and what the game is mostly about.

Having reached the end game after nearly 140 hours of playtime (I took a lot of time 'grinding' for things I wanted instead of going straight for the mainquests) the game holds a lot of active playtime.

Also highly recommended to play with friends (Or even random online people) as some (Most) hunts are far more satisfying when taken down as a team effort. The solo playing part of this is a good experience but in my opinion co-oping monsters is a more rewarding experience.

The pricetag can seem a bit hefty but considering the amount of potential active playtime you have in this game I would strongly recommend it if you enjoy games like the Souls Series for the boss battles.
Публикувана 27 ноември 2018.
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105.2 изиграни часа (41.9 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is pretty great. Probably the best i've played this past year (Dark Souls, being the only competition really.)

So far, I've enjoyed every moment, given that i've already played quite a bit on the console version.

However, the PC versions is by far and away more worth getting. Twice the frame-rate and far better video-quality makes for a much better immersive gameplay.

Get it, you casuals. Although a word of warning. Get a console controller of some form. Playing DS or DS2 without one, is like a walk through the seven plains of hell and back.

Also, if you haven't played DS1 through, you should really consider it. That game lies the basis for this, (although it is not needed in any way) and is essentially a great game.
Публикувана 28 април 2014.
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