Cpl. Mckee
Tom McKee   Humberside, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Currently Offline
Lamb [29th Ret.] 25 Oct, 2010 @ 8:03am 
"Appear Offline"
Andy 16 Sep, 2009 @ 8:25am 
"Hey, have had a really good idea for the amendment. We should take away the president's duty to ensure that the consitution is upheld and instead give it to the equal oppurtunities officer because it's far more in that field, and presidents shouldn't be able to regulate themselves. We should consolidate the presidents position by giving her reinforced organisationsal authority via the secretary and restoring her duties of chairing the meetings by creating an official position for Kim, something along the lines of Staff Liason or Special Advisor to the Exec, and give the president a duty to respond to requests from the student body and pretty much be the public face of the exec, because I think that that is more like the position of a real president. What do you think? Danny"

i think it's brilliant. everything sorted.
Lesser Spotted Bambi 3 Aug, 2009 @ 11:16pm 
Hey Tom. At grandparents right now, could you tell me what time your party is starting on Thursday? I presume your mother will be able to pick me up (I have no way to get there otherwise :P) tell me what time or whatever..

Thanks man,


(Reply by comment please or email me; don't have actual Steam on my Grandparent's computer.)