(Girls4Zombies) Ana_aka_GothGurl
United States
I like good team work, I hate selfish, single minded, trigger happy noobs who get everyone around them killed.

Secure the building first THEN stock up on ammo, block the windows, dont be a cheesebag and dont think that because I'm a girl I can't hold my own.

Kaimy 2 set 2011, ore 3:50 
do you ever play anymore?
Cpt. Awful 20 mar 2011, ore 14:48 
if you ever get back on rockerdude and i would like to hear from u
Spotify-Kingrjun 27 ago 2009, ore 5:43 
we will last untill 1 - Public
27 Members | 2 In-Game | 6 Online | 0 In Group Chat
weve been around the world and jump to game to game and reac the top now were here /join us/
join one of the elite fighting groups we except all and show how to become elite fast, we make up huge ammounts of teams and esly ,communicate and conduct are team is a highly advanced group and well defend atk annd capture and retrive so join be a elite player.
sposerd by elite force gtx the elite gaming team

Visit we will last untill 1's profile

so please join us!
thank you!
Cpt. Awful 8 mag 2009, ore 12:43 
well then...