fibblins   United States
It has come to my attention that in certain circles, simian-minded individuals are refering to videogames as 'video games', ignorantly placing a space between 'video' and 'game'. Perhaps their brains have dulled by years of Madden and Quake, rather than the mentally invigorating games such as Arc the Lad and Growlanser, becuase even a child could tell that placing a space between the 'video' and 'game' in videogame is perhaps more profoundly philistine than a certain American administration that need not be named. Placing a space in videogame completely belittles the meaning of the word and displays the user's blatantly minuscule intellect and is understanding of the basic precepts of grammar. Videogame is a perfect marriage of the words console and video game, creating a short and effective portmanteau that quickly and accurately labels mentions objects and anybody who does not immediately recognize 'video game' as absolutely outrageous clearly lacks the mental faculties to correctly operate a videogame other than perhaps FIFA Sports. I make this point becuase I have recently been belligerently barrage by imbecilic 'video game' references that unnerve me to no end and have taken it upon myself to correct the damage that your poor Western education ( though this is a subject to be discussed on a later date) has wrought upon you. You should personally thank me that i did not see it fit to correct your preponderous mistake in Japanese, becuase I am thoroughly positive your neanderthal mind would be incapable of deciphering the Hiragana from the Katakana.

The difference between Japanese and American videogame consumers are as blatant as the difference between seasons 1 and 2 of Otomoe wa Boku ni Koishiteru (a nod to my fellow Otomoe wa Boku ni Koishiteru enthusiasts). Where as the Japanese videogame consumer is informed and discriminating in his or her purchases and endeavors, his American counterpart acts as a foil, stumbling blindly through the videogame department at K-mart, groping for the first videogame with enough explosions or mammaries on the cover to slake their slavering decidedly non-intellectual lusts. Their hunger for Western garbage such as Madden and Halo is fueled by an almost sub-human ignorance that is as profound in the rest of their lives as it is in their choosing of videogames. This disgusting display of American mass stupidity is no doubt the result of Christian indoctrination, adding another point on the list of reasons why the Japanese are more intelligent than the West, as a contemptuous Western culture has left its people with little more than swiss cheese brains and an unquenchable urge for repeat football videogames.
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