Lucian Smith
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I recommend this game, but it's important to realize if you play it that it's not very good as a game: it's a point-and-click adventure game (which I generally enjoy), but it has issues. On the 'simplistically frustrating' front, there are interface oddities such as trying to figure out whether to 'use' a door to go through it or 'walk to' the door to go through it (the game sometimes allows either and sometimes required exactly one or the other, inconsistently). The game also really really really wants to tell you a story in a particular order, so in order to advance the plot, you constantly have to go back and do something that you already tried earlier, but this time something different happens for opaque reasons.

The story itself is interesting and deals with important topics, but tends to deal with them in a simplistic manner. It's nice to see the topics addressed, but can be a little disappointing if not concerning. To be more specific, but spoily: at one point you play a rape victim re-living the attack, but *this* time you fight back, and conquer your demons! The implication a) that no fighting back happened the first time and b) that fighting back is all you need to do to prevent rape, is not very realistic. On the other hand, I was glad to see the issue addressed in the first place; I just wished it had been handled better. I similarly felt that the Nimdok backstory was handled a little more ham-fistedly than the subject matter deserved. I suppose in general that if you take into account the fact that the story this game is based on was written in 1967, and afford it a corresponding level of slack and skepticism, it works out in the end.

However, those complaints aside, I definitely enjoyed the game, and found the characters and the story compelling. I would recommend either playing this with a walkthrough not far away if you only want to play it once, or plan on re-playing it a time or two if you want to discover the more obscure parts (and best ending) yourself.
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