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1 person found this review helpful
17.8 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
As an avid Binding of Isaac fan, with over 1200 hours clocked between the two games, and a Super Meat Boy fan, I can say this: Edmund sure does know how to make a game! Legend of Bum-bo is no exception. A fun game that is definitely more oriented around strategy in a Bejeweled kind of of way it stands alone from his previous creation and is a pillar that demonstrates his skill as a game-maker and willingness to go outside his own box to evolve and to produce creative works that don't just piggy-back off his previous successes.

I love the art and the play-style but have few constructive criticisms regarding the game.

1.Some balancing issues. Bum-bo the Weird seems nerfed compared to his counterparts, tried a few strategies, maybe I've just been doing it wrong, or have really unlucky when I play him. Enemies with magic resistance seem way too OP, as some builds revolve around using magic primarily. Rather than negating all damage, I think it would be better that the damage be significantly reduced by spells rather than dismissed.

2.Compared to Binding of Issac iterations, where the world changes, new items are introduced and unlocked as you perform certain tasks and challenges, Bum-bo seems alot more bare-bones. You beat the game with X Character, which unlocks an additional playable area. So far, as far as I can tell this is it. Because of this one is likely to get far less unique playthroughs as something like Binding of Isaac.

3.Seems really short. This is a not really a con, as sometimes a quick game of something I am in the mood for, but again to compare it to Binding of Isaac where optional areas such as The Chest or The Void are available and with the different sets of challenges and a daily challenge, Bum-bo can seem underwhelming at times.

I pre-ordered the game and paid around $13 for it, I don't feel like the price is excessive, but would keep your eyes out for it on sale. I was happy to pay full price, Edmund and his team is what I wish I saw more of from AAA companies paying an extra 3 dollars than I would have priced it for is something I am happy to do to support a group that makes a quality product.

In the coming months and years I hope to see patches and additional for the game that will help give it a little more polish, but overall, I am happy with the product.
Posted 15 December, 2019.
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932.2 hrs on record
A masterpiece, the entire original CoH series is what RTS's are supposed to be. Even after all these years it still holds as the greatest RTS ever made.
Posted 10 March, 2016.
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175.6 hrs on record (80.7 hrs at review time)
Bethesda keeps making the same game over and over, I just wish this game they keep making had characters or relevent story arcs for sidequests... Oh well.

Like a fool I still gave them my money because I like killing dragons.
Posted 10 March, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
37.8 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
I wanted to love this game.

Being a huge fan of the original Company of Heroes the idea of sequel with new game mechanics and units made my heart flutter. I watched videos with the developers talking about ice shelves being destructible, having to build fires so you troops don't freeze to death, adding a fog of war with snowstorms and all sorts of really amazing stuff.

What they didn't tell you though, was that they were going to dumb down the game to lowest common denominator.

In the original your play style could be complimented by each DISTINCTIVE army.

Don't like to muddle around with different unit types and blast the enemy constantly? Cool, we've got some Panzer Elite for you. Are you a turtle and want to play a Sim-City RTS? Great, got a Brit army right over here.
CoH2 plays the same no matter who you play as and you are forced to play offensively. Defenses are ineffective and troops between armies indistinguishable, more or less.
The icing on the cake of disappointment comes with the DLC. If you want a little variety in your dull game it can be purchased one small piece at a time. Way to milk a mediocre product for more money that I should have never spent in the first place.
Posted 29 March, 2015.
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308.5 hrs on record (46.5 hrs at review time)
I've seen several other reviewers compare this game to Binding of Isaac and kidney punch it with these comparisons as much as humanly possible. I'll be the first person to admit, I love Binding of Isaac. It is a great game, between vanilla and Rebirth I've got over seven-hundred hours of Binding of Isaac and I will also be the first person to tell you that I think it unfair to compare the two.

Yes, this is a rogue dungeon crawling game about suffering, where you time your projectiles other creatures who also exist in a perpetual state of suffering, but it offers some subtleties that compliment the gaming experience in a completely different way. Between each level your are offered your choice of a few new randomly generated levels to choose from, each with its own unique attributes that are usually focused around making you feel sore in the bathing suit area.

The art and music is charming with gothic overtones and playful undertones. My feelings toward the game are quite different though there are some distinct similarities between it and Binding of Isaac. If you want another Binding of Isaac game though, pick up Rebirth, it's amazing, but there is no need for another developer to create a clone of a game that exists. This product stands alone in its own light (or darkness rather).

Gameplay wise this game reminds me of Gradius more than anything. It's more about dodging than getting more powerful to kill bigger uglier baddies. In Gradius a player found themselves weaving in tight spaces to avoid getting hit and dying. This game is a ton of that, squeeze in the little space that isn't on fire, covered in caltrops, or saturated in electricity, then shooting your pew pews hoping they'll kill the guy who is trying to derp you in the bathing suit area.

It may not be a game for everyone, but I wish it was.
Posted 7 February, 2015. Last edited 7 February, 2015.
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450.4 hrs on record (333.1 hrs at review time)
A game centered around sadness. What other place can you fend off your enemies with your tears. I've put nearly 400 hours on this game and each moment was as delightful as it was dark. It is what games are supposed to be.
Posted 30 July, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
14.5 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
When I think of Tomb Raider my heart flutters with fond memories both recent and distant of action/adventure platform-jumping puzzle awesomeness. Unfortunately with the most recent release/pre-boot Tomb Raider the game series was transformed into more action third-person shooter than anything else. Granted, with the success of Mass Effect I have no doubt that third-person action shooter puts the game in a more profitable position in the marketplace.

I understand that it's a good place to make money but hardly does the Tomb Raider franchise justice. The gameplay seemed to mimic the feeling of Farcry 3, but without its charms. The killer for me was the constant interruption of cut-scene button smashing sequences, they became so constant and so annoying that the game was literally unplayable. The lack of puzzles did not help and aided in making the game an almost mindless FPS.

There are some nice additions, such as the optional diary entries and so on. This game had a few nice things going for it, but the gameplay is so annoying, so fragmented, and disjointed that I think I lasted maybe an hour before I was screaming at my computer "I'M DONE SPAMMING MY "E" KEY!" This game was literally this most agitating thing I've played since Trespasser in the 90's.

If I wanted to button mash, I'd play Metal Slug or Mario Party not Tomb Raider. Some people seem to like it, like I said it is not without its niceties, but also know that if you are expecting a Tomb Raider style game, perhaps you should look elsewhere.
Posted 10 May, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries