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Senaste recensioner av Morpheus

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118.5 timmar totalt (53.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
If you fail a mission...... "Get up, dust yourself off, try again." This game is an under-rated gem.
Upplagd 30 juli 2021.
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87.3 timmar totalt (42.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Wasteland 3 takes everything you like about classic CRPGs and then makes it better. Yet for all its improvements, it does have one leg stuck in the past. Don't get me wrong, this is an excellent game but there are caveats.

At the time of this review the game is riddled with bugs (some of which are game breaking) and rife with performance issues. It also sports a hellishly cluttered inventory and features an obscene amount of loading screens that waste a player's time. That said, these are easily forgiven given how good the overall experience is.

Combat is tactical and turn based yet efficient and quick. The writing is excellent and though the music is very hit or miss, the voice work is amazing. The story is engrossing, with very few black and white choices. The characters, though not Old Bioware levels of interesting, are still deep enough for you to genuinely care about. Inxile have created a very compelling world here filled with colourful characters.

My only real complaint would be that the final act feels rushed. The story wraps up fine but the last hour felt like the devs had someone screaming at them to finish. (Probably explains the bugs too). I was honestly surprised that to see the end credits roll because it seemed like we were headed for one of those "You think I'm bad but you don't know what's coming for us" moments. This feels especially confusing given that some of the more interesting party members only join you well into the deep end of Act 2. I barely got to know them. What a pity.

Still, to an old school CRPG fan that grew up with titles like Fallout and BG, this is a must buy. For those that want a polished experience out of the gate, wait about three months for the worst of the bugs to get fixed. For the truly patient ones, this looks like a prime candidate for the "Enhanced Edition" treatment next year. I will reiterate, this is an excellent game that deserves your attention.

The apocalypse has never been more fun. Grab yer coats Rangers, yer gonna need it.
Upplagd 5 september 2020. Senast ändrad 5 september 2020.
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