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Game definitely needs a lot of work primarily in performance, exploration, and combat depth/feel. I hadn't experienced any of the game breaking bugs others have had but I definitely had performance dips even on lowest settings (my specs are just under recommended). Exploration feels sluggish and the world doesn't feel alive enough to justify the map size. Combat feels quite slow/stiff and seems to take inspiration from Breath of the Wild. Unfortunately the combat here lacks both the smoothness of that game and the extra depth that surrounding systems provided like varied enemy encounters, Sheikah slate items, and consumable interactions.

That being said I did enjoy a lot of the other aspects the game had to offer like setting, visuals, vibe, and general day to day flow. I understand that the game is in development and is going to launch in early access so for now I'll give it a thumbs up and hope there is time to enhance the experience given the promising signs I have seen already.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro.
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13.0 horas registradas (0.4 horas no momento da análise)
* Did two runs on solo, farthest I got was to the boss with the sword

I think the core concept here is incredibly well done. Good balance between having a starting class with a distinct identity and the roguelite elements of adding skills and modifiers to the skillset. The roguelite elements appear fleshed out here by providing a lot of decision making across skill choices, modifiers, artifacts, and level up bonuses. Some of these seem unique/varied enough that I have faith that the full release will have sufficient ability to differentiate runs. There is also a glimpse of good meta progression via skill trees unique to each character.

Game allows choice between a MOBA like control scheme and WASD control scheme you see in most modern top down games. I elected to use the MOBA controls and I felt that they were quite well done. Felt responsive and satisfying, allowing for the type of movement and apm you'd have in a typical MOBA. Gave me nostalgic vibes to controlling characters in Starcraft and Warcraft.

Enemies are fairly satisfying and fair to fight, and bosses are sufficiently challenging with nice variance of attack patterns (at least for my two playthroughs). Enemies and their attacks did a fair job of standing out against the background and there wasn't any visual clutter to hamper the experience.

Visuals and music are kind of where the game loses it for me. They're not bad perse but neither left a lasting impression.

Have no comments on the plot other than that there is one. Not a slight on the game, I skipped the cutscenes because I'm in a rush to complete demos before I become unavailable for remainder of Steam Next.

Still, the core concept here is very good and having coop is the cherry on top. I would have easily put in more runs into the game if I had more free time available. Will definitely follow and consider a purchase on release.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro. Última edição em 26 de fevereiro.
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0.6 horas registradas
*Only did one run
Lots of potential here currently. Interesting setting and good use of grid based combat. I wish there were more tooltips, particularly regarding the enemy actions which I remained confused on to the bitter end. Grid based combat and heat management provide a good amount of player decision making and the deck building seems adequate. Good setting too. Personally wish you had more starting energy/lower heat costs so that I could do more things per turn.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro.
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0.1 horas registradas
Not gonna lie, the fact that the game inexplicably changes the language to French (despite still being set to English in the sesttings) removed my desire to continue the demo. I'd come back to the demo but unfortunately I'll be out for the rest of Steam Next so if somebody is reading this near the tail end of Steam Next Fest then check if there was an update to fix the French bug.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro.
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Um desenvolvedor respondeu em 27 de fev. às 1:59 (ver resposta)
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0.2 horas registradas
I think the visuals and setting are nice, but the combat feels lacking on the whole. I think some of the other reviews touched up on this so I won't elaborate here but I got just past the drone boss and didn't feel any desire to go any further.
I did want to note that it's odd that only the first weapon has the uplifting attack properties for exploration. Wanted to use the heavier attack weapon but would have to switch back and forth between the two just to move around. Little strange. I don't think any of the games issues are so baked into the foundations that they can't be fixed. My hope here is that changes are made and when the game is closer to release you get some marketing out so I'll remember to give this game another look.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro.
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2.1 horas registradas
Note: Did two runs, one that failed before the first boss and a second run that was able to complete the demo. Both runs had the same team of (forgive me) wind water starter, sprout minion, and purple poison furry snake(?)

Insanely well polished creature collector roguelite. Creatures have lovely designs, great build variety and build choices even with the small collection of creatures currently available. Meta progression is present and provides sensible ways to start a run with a desired strategy in mind. Hints of a promising story is here as well. Everything feels like it needs more, but with the direction I've see so far I have no doubt the full release will excel in all these categories.

Only complaints:
1) Fight duration: To be perfectly fair, I was relying on a more defensive team comp but the fights in the latter half of the 2nd biome started to feel really tedious. I swear each individual fight was like 70% the length of the actual biome boss. Hyberbolic, but that is really how I felt at the end of my successful run.
2) Minor complaint- 2nd boss biome armor: I don't know if it's tailored for player build but my battle with the 2nd boss had water and wind armor. It worked out, because my build was mostly water and wind but I could be super frustrated if I got to that boss and it had fire armor.I much more appreciated the first boss which had collorless armor which allowed all characters to be impactful.
3) Armor and hits: I would personally prefer if big hits counted for more than 1 tick off of enemy armor. This might be required from a balance perspective but near the end most fights I rarely broke armor and just went in with the big 50 damage hits which felt non interactive for my particular run.

Otherwise can't say much else. Very good demo, likely to be a very good game.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro.
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0.4 horas registradas
Game has a lot of promise. The combat feels immediately fulfilling to me and the upgrades seem pretty diverse, at least on my couple playthroughs. Reasonably meaningful choices on which paths to take and frenetic fights aplenty.

My only criticisms currently is
1) Too much visual clutter: It is pretty fun trying to fend off a room full of enemies but it *does* result in a screen that looks like a fireworks fiasco what with all the enemy attacks and environmental tornadoes being strewn about. Just a little bit more clarity would do wonders here.
2) Story: Felt nearly nonexistent to me. Might actually be nonexistent, as 24 hours removed from my playthrough and I can't remember a single story beat.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro.
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0.5 horas registradas
Think there is a good level of promise here and the dev is on the right track with the direction of the game. There are definitely some issues that I had though I would like to see addressed.

  • Performance: I easily clear the minimum requirements for the game but I consistently had drops in fps. Even tinkering with the settings and turning everything to minimum quality did not alleviate the problem.
  • Enemy spawn points: It would be more interesting, and occasionally disturbing, to see the enemies appear from certain spawn points from a world building perspective instead of poofing right in front of you. Something simple as an enemy crawling out of a nearby trashcan or nearby broken body parts reassembling spontaneously or something. The instantaneous appearance of enemies is a little goofy. It also presents a gameplay issue in that sometimes I'll be standing in a room and an enemy will spawn right next to me swinging out of the gate. Additionally, sometimes enemies will spawn on the other side of the room and stay there without seeking the player. It's tedious to run around a room trying to find the last couple enemies that are holed up near a dead end.
  • Too many ticket spawn points: More meaningful finds would be better than the current collectible system we got going on with tickets being found littered everywhere. I ended up feeling less engaged in the immersion and more committed to the busy work of checking behind every piece of furniture just for ten tickets.
  • Environmental storytelling: In contrast to Bioshock's opening hour, I don't feel a budding understanding the locale. The art direction I think is really cool, but in terms of being a memorable and believable setting it really just feels like a funhouse and not like a place that has any meaning or permanence (possibly intentional, not sure).
  • Sluggish combat: Less of a problem for me personally, but the combat is very reminiscent of Bioshock 1 which is well known for not having necessarily aged well. In fact it feels even less captivating here due to the lack of plasmids and game altering weapon upgrades (outside of charge attacks). It needs a little extra oomph somewhere. I would also change it so that the charge attacks on the ranged weapons are either faster or instantaneous. It really is just too slow which forces me to forego the mechanic entirely or instead adopt a hit and run tactic where I cowardly duck around corners until its charged and peek out for a quick hit.
  • Movement: Just feels too floaty for me personally. Would prefer a lower jump height, a slightly slower run if it meant more stamina/stamina regen

To end with some quick positive snippets: I enjoyed the atmosphere and aesthetic, initial premise is interesting, level layout seems to start well (though would love to have more open, wider areas like Bioshock), like the weapons and the idea of charge attacks.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro. Última edição em 26 de fevereiro.
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2.6 horas registradas (1.3 horas no momento da análise)
Incredible demo, immediately fun and quite a bit of level variety between the procedural generation and level gimmicks.

My only complaint is that the upgrade/ item system in this game is fairly basic, as none of them really alter or enhance gameplay in any meaningful way. They all mainly fall under some type of simple number buffs with just as basic activation conditions consisting of passive, active skills, and close call/landing triggers. Arguably close calls is an interesting way to activate certain buffs but with how clustered the maps are with obstacles you're doing close calls out of necessity anyways. I would love to see an item system that can really innovate and drastically differentiate each run. Even something as mundane as upgrades that encourage longer airtime or items that activate on quick, consecutive perfect landings. I'm sure there's more to be added for the full release but as is those are my only reservations.

Otherwise, the core gameplay is incredibly satisfying, levels have potential for limitless replayability (and modding maybe?), soundtrack is great, visuals are cute, story has potential. Easily my favorite steam next demo and now one of my most anticipated games.
Publicada em 26 de fevereiro. Última edição em 26 de fevereiro.
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7 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
0.4 horas registradas
Getting the obvious out of the way, the presentation and graphics are fairly poor, to say the least. It feels essentially like some kind of UE asset flip without enough good UI presentation/design to prop up the mediocre visuals and graphics. Definitely needs more work on this front.

Music is good as expected, but is perhaps too Persona reminiscent. Would like a little bit of genre change given the different setting.

Gameplay shows some promise but needs to be fleshed out more. Characters attacks and skill type seems to be dictated by weapon choice, but because all actions are linked to a weapon if an enemy is resistant then there is no course of action. In Persona, for example, if an enemy is resistant to a damage type you always had more various status ailments, buffs, or even just basic attack as alternatives. In some situations your character is rendered completely useless other than reapplying the same status ailment every turn (resistant hits deal like 2-4 damage for enemies that have like 100+hp). Another issue is the cover system which I think is good in theory but ends up feeling messy. Ambush encounters require all of your characters to be in cover which takes a little too long to setup, especially if you imagine fighting encounter after encounter. It might take maybe 10 seconds or so to execute, but it'll add up with how many fights you'll be engaging in. Part of this is needing to lock onto an enemy for a certain period of time to increase your accuracy on them, which further pads the time required to set up an encounter.

Skill attacks don't show much depth, but again this is an early build.

No plot in this demo. Fairly basic level design as well.

Absolutely needs some work.
Publicada em 24 de fevereiro.
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