Salt Wolf
Seattle, Washington, United States
I am an Enigma.... :Chrono_e::Lucca_e::Marle_e::mgggroot::MCCHELMET::FFIX_Bomb::ftlmantis::rlroadhog:
Favorite Game
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Favorite Game
TOP 10 Games/series of All TIME
1. Baldurs Gate 3
2. Vanilla WoW
3. Earthbound (Mother 2)
4. Final Fantasy Series (Tactics, 7,8,9,14,15, Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross)
5. Halo Series (Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Halo: ODST, Halo 4)
6. Elder Scrolls Series
7. Legend of Zelda Series (Link to the past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Windwaker, BOTW)
8. Fallout 3 (New Vegas and Original)
9. Star Ocean II : The second Story
10. Fire Emblem Series (Fire Emblem, The Binding Blade, The Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates)

Honorable mentions:
- Pokemon Series (Red, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Leaf Green, Heart silver, Emerald)
- Overwatch
- Rocket League
- Mario Series(Super Mario Brothers, 64, Sunshine, Odyssey)
- Battlefield series (1942, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Risk of Rain Series (1, 2)
- Hollow Knight
- Enter the Gungeon
- Undertale
- Psychonauts
- Grand Theft Auto Series: (All of them)
- World of Warcraft (Vanilla - Frozen Throne)
- Breath of Fire Series (I,II, III, IV)
- Call of Duty Series (not all of them)
- Metroid
- Mortal Kombat
- Soul Caliber
- Guitar Hero Series
- FTL / Into the Breach
- Stardew Valley
Screenshot Showcase
This Bear is my spirit animal haha. I love Bethesda!
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- Overwatch - - Public Group
The largest Steam group for all your Overwatch needs!
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Workshop Showcase
Have Aranea in your party, replacing Gladiolus. Flaws: I had to remove certain aspects of her armor such as her "wings" and loincloth because the physics were not working properly.