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Alien Swarm console commands:

asw_realistic_death_chatter 1
asw_hear_from_marine 1

Enables the marines to chat with eachother during gameplay. For example, Wildcat and Wolfe keep track of who kills the most bugs, and they often comment on this with some friendly banter.

asw_auto_reload 0

Disables the auto reload.

asw_marine_labels_cursor_maxdist 1000

Always show health bars under marines. Good for medics.

mat_grain_scale_override 0

Removes the grain effect on the screen.

asw_camera_shake 0

Removes the camera shake effect when hit by an enemy.

asw_fast_reload_under_marine 1

Places a fast reload bar under your actual marine so you don't need to look in the corner to time your reload. Or rely on the poor cursor fast reload bar.


Change the flare colors.

Server Side Commands

First one enables firstperson mode, second one hides your marine so you can see, third one changes the camera controls to be more FPS like.

asw_custom_skill_points 1

If used before people connect to the game, the host is allowed to spend points on the Marines' stats. Disclaimer: Not really supported or well balances, use at own risk.

asw_ignore_need_two_player_requirement 1

Game will ignore the two player requirement. In other words, you can go rambo.

asw_horde_override 1
asw_wanderer_override 1

Enables an AI director like in L4D.

asw_horde_class asw_parasite

Enables the AI director to spawn parasites (scary!)

asw_show_all_singleplayer_maps 1

Enables mission chapter selection in singleplayer. Courtesy r_0_1_3.

asw_cam_marine_dist XXX (default 412)

Set camera distance.

asw_cam_marine_pitch XX (default 60, 0 on the floor, 90 directly above)

Set camera angle

asw_cam_marine_shift_enable X (1 for on, 0 for off, if you put your cursor toward the edge of the screen the game will let you see further that direction)

Enable/disable screen shift.

asw_cam_marine_shift_maxx XXX (default 300)
asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy XXX (default 200)

"Set screen shift distance (note, two different variable for both planes, top-bottom and left-right)" - Camera commands courtesy drunkenlobster

sv_cheats 1


Used to open the tile generation map editor. Courtesy Man of Hunts
How to Add Bot to Alien Swarm Multiplayer
cl_selectm (marinenum) (slot)
ex: cl_selectm (5) (2)
How to Remove Bot From Alien Swarm Multiplayer
cl_dselectm (marinenum)
ex: cl_dselectm (3)

Swarm Armory []
Alien Swarm Map Pack 2010 []
Zurzeit offline
YUHeff2BMad 23. Jan. 2015 um 15:05 
Be wary of more jolly cooperation
DaftCanuck 30. Apr. 2014 um 13:27 
lol I bet they are, I played with the new ships as of yet though.
DaftCanuck 9. Jan. 2014 um 15:20 
Holy hell even I havent managed to get the Crystal Cruiser!
Mumm-Ra 21. Dez. 2013 um 14:42 
Wow, thank you.
DaftCanuck 21. Dez. 2013 um 13:30 
Good to hear! I have only beaten it once so far. It is also challenging tryng to get the other ship types. Especially the crystal ship, still cant get it myself.
DaftCanuck 20. Dez. 2013 um 17:36 
No problem! Everyone should enjoy FTL! :D