Mika   Kuopio, Eastern Finland, Finland
What the..täh?
Zurzeit offline
T0NSA 17. Juli 2020 um 12:29 
Mihin helvetin lukioon pääsee masentunut ADD ♥♥♥♥♥ 7.5 keskiarvolla? Onko edes olemassa hyviä lukioita tuolla keskiarvolla? Pitäiskö vaa laittaa kussit tulille?
ÖÖLI Pupu Meukka 18. Juni 2020 um 13:48 
savokki is old and fun ppl from finland what is the best country all the time ever be
mam 20. Apr. 2020 um 9:17 
SaVokki on se kovaukko
Spark 19. Feb. 2020 um 5:18 
Friendly and fun. its nice to play with him!
Th3_P0R0_K1LL3r 5. Jan. 2020 um 11:11 
meittiks 13. Mai 2017 um 5:51 
savokki is really friendly and funny guy! he doesnt care if we lose or win he is just having fun and enjoying his life!