Kansas, United States
Started playing first person shooters in 1998 with Rainbow Six. Have stuck mostly with them since. (Rogue Spear, Urban Ops, Black Thorn, Ghost Recon, Rainboe Six 3 and Athena Sword, Lockdown...which is now the most expensive coaster I own. Call of Duty 1, 2, 4, 5. Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Operation Flashpoint, ArmA, SWAT 4, Battlefield 2, Half-Life, OpFor, Blue Shift. Half-Life 2, Delta Force Blak Hawk Down.) If it's tactical and a shooter, I own it or have played it. I play with a few close friends for fun, and always looking out for more fun people to play with.
Currently Online
Toxicide 10 Oct, 2010 @ 9:51am 
hay dude just to drop you a line to say im still alive and im goin in to black Ops soon as it out. im with Midnight Squadron and been managing the new devsion there. you and the rest of the crew are more then weclome to join us.

we have preorderd a sever for the game. and now recruiting to fill it up
we have T.S 3 i live there. my tag is Ravenscroft jump on and have a chat
hope to seen you soon