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I cannot comfortably recommend this game in its current state.

When it comes to HW games this does not feel like a true HW game if anything its trying to be one to hard. I would say an attempt was made at best.

-Story line has to much focus on characters and to much in game chatter between them. Does not have the kind of epic feel the past HW installments had.
-Unit designs feel like copy and paste and unique abilities are a micro manage nightmare... Do they look cool? sure seems more fire animations and such but they are no different from past HW units and the capital ships can handle fighters/bombers with ease which creates an imbalance. The capital ships also have no weak-points and no armor strong/weak areas now. The units build for fighters is single units which is like the old HW and not like the HW2 fighter squads which was so much better.
-HUD/Interface made a little too complex than should be. Could of used the interface system used from HW1/2 and would of been fine and kept the hotkeys from that but they re-did the whole system...
-Resource units have to be micro-managed and will not go off and find more resources near by that's rather off-putting. Turret platforms seem to only be mounted to astroid or still platforms not like old turret platforms from HW2

-Resource controllers make and hive manage resource collectors so less moving parts
-Mother ship turret system feels more reliable than past games
-History of HW at menu
-Graphics are rather good for the game
-Same composer from last games
-different game mode and a co-op system

Overall the game just feels its lacking in design of the actual game-play and went a step back than forward. When designing a successor game need to look at what people liked in the previous games and what to add or make better not take away and not dumb it down. This does not feel like its better or more fun than the previous installments of the series and feels lack luster.
Skrevet: 13. maj 2024.
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168.3 timer registreret i alt (125.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)

Previously: I will refund if this continues with PSN Support the Devs THEY SUPPORT US THROUGH NEGATIVE REVIEWS

Now: how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!

PS still has not undone there banning of over 170+ countries from being able to play this game... Recent update for fire weapons broke them so the fire warbond they came out with made it irrelevant... Says going to be 60days to tackle these issues... The game came out ok it had issues but the guns felt good now everything been constantly nerfed and even with some of the un-nerfing game still feels wonky...
Skrevet: 5. maj 2024. Sidst redigeret: 15. august 2024.
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142.2 timer registreret i alt (15.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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I found a jar of Pickles Best Day Ever!
Skrevet: 12. november 2023.
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26.6 timer registreret i alt (19.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I really cannot recommend this game to anyone unless you really want to be pushed and challenged so hard...

This game is REALLY fast paced for a turn based game. You don't get a break and you are put on allot of timed missions and the bored puts pressure on you for the Main enemy event... Shoot you can't go pee in this game because of a mission dropping on you followed by another one coming from the toilet/urinal and you are like can i finish? The enemies are MUCH harder than in XCOM and the new KING varient are just brutal... These suckers will have an action for every one of your soldiers actions and can take down your squad in your turn... On top of that they have insane amount of HP. The story based mission are just a rough and will wreck your squad. You go through troops like nothing and its hard to keep experianced guys and the ones healing dont get to finish just how much you do.

I've played this on normal vanilla and Wemod and this game is still stressfull just because of the pacing...

There is allot i do like about the game they put into it but at the same time it freaken wants to donkey punch you non stop.

I STRONGLY recommend the 1st XCOM over this one just because its better paced and still really enjoyable.

When they make a 3rd game they really need to pace it based on the xcom pace this is just insane.
Skrevet: 11. februar 2020.
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43.8 timer registreret i alt (13.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
the PISS YOU OFF 9001! that should of been the name.

1. Its in the USA.
2. Grand ol American truck brands.
3. not much of a change from Euro truck sim except trucks and laws of the road so mechanics are easy to grasp.

Cons: hehehehe
1. Of all the places to pick to start the trucking endevours its on the west coast and worst of all the HELL of truckers California (most truckers do not like CA for various reasons).
2. For some odd reason Cops are everywhere so no speeding for you FOOL! not even 1MPH OVER THE LIMIT
3. Traffic lights like to change on a dime green i mean RED the yellow lifght is like a tease.
4. Well you can trun at a red light but... YOU DID NOT HAVE YOU'RE TURN SIGNAL ON BAM TICKET!
5. Fairly new game but choices of truck brands are only 2 no volvo or freightline yet... looking forward to those.
6. Don't know if it would count as annoying but weigh stations you usually have to go to unless they are closed but makes the game realistic like.
7. Game size is lacking but they are planning to increase the scale and add more states.

Other Thought's
Even though i have plenty of gripes about the game there is plenty to improve and the Devs are really good at what they do so regardless of my experiance with the game i do recommend it but for the time being it is too frustrating for me to play.
Skrevet: 9. august 2016.
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7.8 timer registreret i alt (3.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I do not recommend this at all for the price of the game there is NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH content for the price. Cities skylines was like $30 and had $60 worth of content for this i would pay $30 no more. Now to give out the pros and the cons.

1. They kept to the old ways of Homeworld story telling if not better in the animated art so kudos to that
2. I like the concept of ground RTS different for homeworld Space 3d play
3. Graphics about the same if not better than homeworld 2 remastered
4. Great sound quality and music score for the desert enviroment not to mention a lot of voice chatter which makes it more lively.

1. Styory is nice and all but still feels as though they are lacking depth to it even though if you have played the past homeworld you know the future outcome but there is not much telling of the history or about what goes on much.
2. Content Biggest peice right here. Lack of unit types and use of said units. The coalition seems to have fewer units than the oposition and lack futher potential of other units. You notice if you get this the main units you will mainly use are armored assault units and rails mainly combined with air units and thats it. Railguns are really the most affective against everything except lack armor and affectivness against light combat units
3. Campaign is short if played correctly seen people beat it less than the time it took me which was roughly 8 hrs. Won't spoil what happens but mainly just grinding through enemy forces.
4. Higher ground includes Defense bonus too? higher ground grants damage bonus but should not in any way grant a armor bonus if anything should be less since you are a bigger target.
5. Lack of multiplayer maps to 5? Really you launch the game that is a RTS with only 5 maps?
6. Hud interface of Old homeworld to ground RTS bad match up why? the game controls and hud set-up is great for the space one and using arrows is good for that but would recommend WASD for scrolling on a ground rts. This makes the game a bit more difficult to play with this kind of interface for a ground rts not to mention having the right mouse button to pan the camera everywhere can get annoying when sometimes it gets stuck.
7. Cannot skip a cutscene in game at all everytime i am in the mist of doing something cutscene happens and i lose units or have no control which is very frustrating in a campaign mission.
8. Controling air-units is abysmal. Why? because you cannot have them all fly to one location to select them all because once they get there and there is no target they auto-return to land then you have to wait until they land and re-launch. This makes them rather difficult to control and grabing them while on the move can be hard sometimes exspecially if you don't want to grab other units while your at it.
9. Gaalsien have a better tactical and more diverse units than the coalition hands down campaign and multiplayer which makes it unbalanced.

Now don't get me wrong but the Concept of it is great and all but how this was excuteted is abysmal Wish i could get my refund but steams policy says over 2hrs play and no refund but if it was gamestop they would let you beat the game and bring it back and get full refund so thats a shock right there.

I have played the past 3 homeworld games and yes there is 3 and this by far is the worst of them. If you really want this game i would suggest waiting until they drop the price because it is not worth $50.

Skrevet: 25. januar 2016.
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