過去 2 週間: 0.7 時間 / 総プレイ時間:315.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:79.8時間)
投稿日: 2022年11月22日 15時56分

I love this game

Why?.., Well.. because you get to collect sooo many ships.. (I like big boats and I cannot lie... like a certain Dragon Age 2 Follower)

It's also a game that requires skill, or at least really good trigonometry skills as you aim your shells or torpedoes at other players, against bots it's pretty fun, against other players?... well lets just say there are people who have clearly been playing this for years and you will get crushed mercilessly

Which is a shame..., honestly I would love there to be a better matchmaking system as often in Random you are pitted against people who are soooo much better than you, which sure forces the whole get better or die mentality

Is it worth a go though?.. yes..

For a F2P game with Premium options, your only spending money to speed things up, not to actually get an unfair advantage as a fair amount of the Premium ships are honestly not that great

Plus it now has SUBMARINES!!

Which are incredibly fun and awkward to use at times

But.. honestly I love this and just wish I had more friends to play with me.
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